The City of Brentwood has received a planning application for a Costco Wholesale which has now been added to the latest Development Project List.
In the proposal, Costco would be located on the vacant site owned by Centre Pointe Associates, located just south of Lone Tree Plaza Dr. near Kohl’s and Home Depot in Brentwood. Within the application, it shows the development of a 152,000 +/- Square-Foot wholesale Costco Warehouse, a fuel station and other improvements just south of Lone Tree Plaza Drive in east of Heidorn Ranch Road.
According to the application, it could bring 250-300 jobs to the city of Brentwood and hours would be Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 8:30 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. The fuel station would operate from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm daily.
The City is currently designing the Sand Creek Road extension to Heidorn Ranch Rd that will help alleviate any traffic concerns that will be assessed in the review process.
- Location and Vicinity
The project site is located within the Lone Tree Plaza shopping center in west Brentwood near the Antioch/Brentwood city limits. The project site is composed of approximately 23.06 acres (1,004,494 square feet) and includes two parcels: accessor’s parcels numbers (APNs) 019-020-073 and 019-020-055, both of which are located directly south of Lone Tree Plaza Drive and to the east of Heidorn Ranch Drive.The Costco Site and all of Costco’s associated facilities and site improvements would be located exclusively on APN 019-020-073 on the eastern half of the project site (herein referred to as the “Costco Site”). The parcel to the west, APN 019-020-055, would include some minor improvements for future development (herein referred to as the “out parcel”)
- Existing Conditions
The existing project site is currently undeveloped and largely covered in bare dirt, with sparse growths of grasses and shrubs. The project site is surrounded by commercial uses (the entirety of the Lone Tree Plaza shopping center) to the north, residential uses to the west, agricultural land to the south, and Highway 4 to the east - General Plan and Zoning
The City of Brentwood General Plan designates the site as Planned Development (PD) and does
not include a use specific land use designation. Instead, the General Plan defers to the site’s
zoning, which is Transit Village (TV) which allows a myriad of uses, including, but not limited to,
medium-to high-density residential, medical services, institutional uses, utilities, and a wide array of commercial uses. The project site is also located within the City of Brentwood’s Priority Area
One (PA-1) Specific Plan area, which was adopted on November 13, 2018.
Costco Warehouse
The Costco project includes development of a new 152,000-square-foot Costco Wholesale
warehouse and various site circulation, surface parking, and landscaping improvements. The
following commercial activities are proposed, without limitation:
- warehouse retail center
- tire sales and installation
- optical exams and optical sales
- hearing aid testing and sales
- food service prep and sales
- meat preparation and sales
- bakery and sales of baked goods
- alcohol sales
- fuel facility
- Temporary outdoor sales may occur within the parking field adjacent to the warehouse for
seasonal sales, such as Christmas trees during the winter. Lastly, a promotional vehicle may be on
display near the entry to the building. This vehicle will be used to promote online or offsite vehicle
sales; no vehicles are proposed to be sold on site.
Fuel Facility
The project includes a members-only Costco fuel facility, which includes a +/-11,500 square-foot canopy and a +/-125 square-foot controller enclosure located at the northwestern portion of the Costco Site. The controller enclosure would be built with steel walls and finished with paint to match the warehouse building colors. There would be four covered fueling bays, each with four two-sided fuel dispensers so as to provide for the fueling of eight vehicles at each island for a total
of 32 fueling positions.
The fuel station would have eight stacking lanes, allowing up to approximately 40 vehicles to wait in queue, in addition to the 32 vehicles at the dispensers. The dispensers would be fully automated and self-service. A trained Costco employee would be present at all times of operation to oversee operations and assist members. Four underground fuel tanks would also be installed at the southern edge of the fuel station. Lights would be recessed into the canopy to provide both lighting during operating hours and a lower level of security lighting after hours.
Other Shopping Center Site Improvements
The project includes minor improvements to the out parcel to the west on APN 019-020-055. These improvements include installation of one driveway access point along the boundary of the two parcels that runs North/South. No other development is currently proposed on this portion of the site. Future development of the out parcel beyond these improvements is speculative at this time. When such development is proposed it will be submitted to the City as a separate
independent development application.
To illustrate how curbs and driveway access points along Lone Tree Plaza Drive could be provided at a future time; a potential location for driveway access to and from Lone Tree Plaza Drive is illustrated on Sheet A-002 of the included plan set. This conceptual location is provided for informational purposes to illustrate that such a connection is possible; however, the driveway is not proposed as part of this project.
Requested approvals include a Specific Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for large- format retail and gas station, and Tentative Parcel Map.
- Specific Plan Amendment: The project is requesting to modify the PA-1 Specific Plan so that
it will facilitate development of the proposed project and add Service Stations as a
conditionally-permit use to the site. - Conditional Use Permit (CUP): A CUP is required for Large Format Retail, as well as a Service
Station based on the previously mentioned Specific Plan Amendment. - Tentative Parcel Map: The project is requesting to split APN 019-020-073 (the Costco Site)
into two separate parcels. The newly created parcel would be created in the northwest
portion of the existing parcel and would be developed with the proposed fuel facility. The
Costco warehouse and other improvements would be located within the remainder of the
existing parcel. The out parcel would remain unchanged
The following are the objectives for the project:
- Construct and operate a new Costco warehouse that serves the local community with
competitively priced goods and services from both nationally known businesses as well as
regional and local businesses. - Provide a state-of-the-art Costco warehouse to better serve the membership in the greater
East Contra Costa County area in a location that is convenient for its members, the
community, and employees to travel to shop and work. - Provide a Costco warehouse in a location that is serviced by adequate existing infrastructure including roadways and utilities.
- Improve the Lone Tree Plaza shopping center to support the development and operation of the Costco Site.
- Enhance the area with a warehouse that is architecturally designed to be responsive to the City of Brentwood area design context and sensitive to the adjacent community, future development(s) and compatible with the need for a new warehouse in this market area.
- Develop a high-quality planned commercial development.
- Employ architectural and landscaping designs that soften the scale and mass of the buildings, create a pleasant and attractive appearance, and complement the surrounding area.
- Reduce energy consumption by incorporating sustainable design features and systems with enhanced energy efficiencies meeting State and federal code requirements.
- Minimize potential site access and on-site circulation conflicts between drivers and pedestrians.
- Promote economic growth and diverse new employment and retail/service opportunities for Brentwood residents.
- Increase the number of jobs in Brentwood and contribute to the local job/housing balance.
- Contribute to the City’s sales tax base.
- Develop a Costco warehouse that is large enough to accommodate all the uses and services Costco provides to its members elsewhere.
Site Access, Circulation and Parking
a. Site Access
The Costco Site will have five vehicle access points. The main access point will be the existing intersection at Lone Tree Plaza Drive and Cañada Valley Road. Three additional driveways will be provided along Lone Tree Plaza Drive, one to the west of the main access and two to the east, which will primarily be used for delivery trucks. One additional access point will be constructed at the southwest of the Costco Site to connect the Costco Site to the adjacent out parcel to the west.
The out parcel is capable of providing one right-in/right-out access and one full-movement access along Lone Tree Plaza Drive for future development, though this potential future driveway is not proposed as part of the project.
b. Parking
The Costco Site will provide a total of 822 parking stalls, all of which would be surface parking and located to the west and south of the warehouse.
c. Loading & Truck Circulation
The receiving docks for the warehouse are located on the north side of the warehouse, which has been designed to accommodate truck movements and meet setback requirements. The bay doors will be equipped with sealed gaskets to limit noise impacts. A transformer and two trash compactors will be located to the north of the warehouse.
Development Activity Project List