Home » Special Meeting Called to Discuss Antioch City Manager Administrative Leave

Special Meeting Called to Discuss Antioch City Manager Administrative Leave

by CC News
Antioch city council call for special meeting

On Friday at 10:00 am, the Antioch City Council will host a special council meeting to discuss the administrative leave of City Manager Con Johnson.

On Tuesday, the council voted 3-0 to place city manager Con Johnson on administrative leave with councilmembers Monica Wilson, Mike Barbanica and Lori Ogrorchock all in support.  Mayor Lamar Thorpe and Mayor Pro Tem Tamisha Torres-Walker were absent.

It was then announced that Human Resources Director Ana Cortez is now Acting City Manager. Later in Tuesdays council meeting, Torres-Walker called for a nation wide search to replace Johnson

Even though Mayor Thorpe sets the agenda, which says CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to California Government Code section 54956.9(b): One case, Thorpe took to social media accusing the council actions of legally and procedurally wrong.

Thorpe then called for a special meeting which includes two items:

  1. Public Employee Performance Evaluation and possible action: City Manager
  2. Public Employee Appointment – title acting city manager

On Wednesday,  Thorpe issued the following statement after City Manager Con Johnson was placed on administrative leave:

At the Tuesday, March 14, 2023, City Council Meeting, the City Manager was placed on paid administrative leave. Vice Mayor Tamisha Torres-Walker and I were not present for the vote as my flight from Washington, DC was delayed for several hours.

I know my colleagues intended to proceed in the best interest of the City of Antioch and within their authority. However, while they may have believed their actions were correct, legally they were procedurally wrong.

In an effort to allow the Council to express its will, I’ll be calling a special meeting for Friday, March 17, 2023, at 10:00 am to correct this action and, if needed, potentially appoint an Acting City Manager.

To that end, I want to assure Antioch residents, city employees, and partners that the City remain.

On Thursday, Antioch Councilmember Mike Barbanica released a nearly 5-minute video message.

In speaking with Barbanica on Thursday, he confirmed the city currently has 408 allocated positions, however, they have 78 unfilled positions ( a little over 20%).

In the video, Barbanica highlighted concerned he had within the City of Antioch and titled it “wake up elected officials”.

He highlighted in a little over two years, they have gone through three (3) police chiefs, two (2) city managers, assistant city manager, Director of HR, Director of Engineering and Public Works.

“The director of finance coming in front of city council saying stop spending money and presenting council with a document in big red numbers that says a minus sign in front of it showing this is negative spending projected. It increasing grows more and more as the years go on,” stated Barbanica. “Two elected officials didn’t like the word I used in deficit spending, call it whatever you want, but the director of finance is telling us to stop spending money.”

He warned the community you are going to see a lot of movement in the budget discussion. He also called the police department staffing levels as “decimated” with 30 officers on patrol. He also called it difficult to recruit new officers.

“My opinion of this is all elected officials need to wake up and stop spinning this and realize what is occurring. That under the watch of this city council, 3 police chiefs, 2 city managers, assistant city manager, director of HR and director of engineering and public works gone. How many cops, I can’t even tell you,” said Barbanica. “It’s amazing to me. We as elected official need to wake up and see what is going on. Stop with the spin and stop with the political moves. This is a disaster.


Antioch City Council Meeting

DATE: Friday, March 17, 2023
TIME: 10:00 A.M. Special Meeting/Closed Session

PLACE: Council Chambers

200 ‘H’ Street,
Antioch, CA 94509
Agenda – click here

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Edgar March 16, 2023 - 10:36 am

I find it interesting that Councilmember Barbanica wants the community to be informed yet was opposed to opting into video zoom access, allowing the community to participate remotely if needed. I understand one caller used it to waste everyone’s time. I acknowledged Barbanica has had personal feelings toward virtual/remote access by council members; however, this should not have impeded the council or those opposed to opting out. I do not want to hear anymore- “the community needs to get involved” or “we need to hear your voices” from any council member(s)who claim to be champions of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Since I have paid more attention to city business these last two years and talking/learning to others who have been involved much longer than I… how much more hope do we put in our elected officials?

Shari Campbell March 16, 2023 - 10:05 pm

So isn’t the councils main job to maintain the budget? But they don’t take the advice of the Financial advisor. It’s totally ridiculous! The council is spending our money like it’s their personal money. Again and again a few council members come up with ideas the are very unpractical and a waste of money. The city was suppose to receive money for the homeless people and then secretly turning the money down. I really would not be surprised if there is some stealing of money or investing in their friends businesses going on.

Robert C. March 17, 2023 - 5:32 am

Not too sure that Mr. Thorpe is qualified to make judgments on what is “legal” and/or “procedurally wrong.” The record would suggest otherwise.

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