Home » Antioch Police Announce Catalytic Converter Etch Program

Antioch Police Announce Catalytic Converter Etch Program

by CC News
catalytic converter

The Antioch Police Department announced that it now has a Catalytic Converter Etch & Protect Program for City of Antioch residents.

This is a free catalytic converter etching program aimed at assisting Antioch residents and police in tracking the converter in the event it is stolen and recovered.

Did you know most gas-powered and hybrid vehicles built after the 1970’s have a catalytic converter- some luxury or performance-oriented vehicles do not have them. Catalytic converters are described as emission control devices that convert toxic emissions into less-harmful gasses.

Antioch Police said they were excited to announce our Catalytic Converter Etch and Protect Program that Officer Lenderman has been working hard on.

When people steal catalytic converters, they often sell the metals inside of them to make money. This program will give you the opportunity to have your catalytic converter serialized free of cost- due to the generosity of local businesses. You must be an Antioch resident to participate and proof of residency is required.

Contact Officer Lenderman at [email protected] or (925)726-6630 if you are interested.

Current partners include:

  • Antioch Toyota / Antioch Dodge / Antioch Nissan
    All on auto Center Drive
    (855) 824-1276)
    (925) 281-3751
    (925) 755-2600
  • Antioch Muffler
    800 A St
    (925) 757-1322
  • Blue Chip Auto & Muffler
    802 W 10th St
    (925) 754-3636
  • Gumaro’s Auto & Muffler Center
    1705 Auto Center Dr
    (925) 779-0398

Catalytic Converters (Per DOJ)

Catalytic converters are a component of an automotive vehicle’s exhaust device that reduce the toxic gas and pollutants from a vehicle’s internal combustion engine into safe emissions. Catalytic converters use precious metals in their center, or “core,” and are regularly targeted for theft due to the high value of these metals, especially the precious metals palladium, platinum, and rhodium. Some of these precious metals are more valuable per ounce than gold and their value has been increasing in recent years. The black-market price for catalytic converters can be above $1,000 each, depending on the type of vehicle and what state it is from. They can be stolen in less than a minute. Additionally, catalytic converters often lack unique serial numbers, VIN information, or other distinctive identification features, making them difficult to trace to their lawful owner. Thus, the theft of catalytic converters has become increasingly popular because of their value, relative ease to steal, and their lack of identifying markings.

DMV Highlights New Laws in 2023

Crackdown on Catalytic Converter Theft (SB 1087, Gonzalez, and AB 1740, Muratsuchi)

These laws enhance requirements on recyclers to keep specific records of catalytic converters they receive and on the authorized parties that can sell used catalytic converters. These laws aim to reduce the increasing theft of catalytic converters and help keep Californians and their cars safer.

Editors Note:

According to AAA data, catalytic converter theft claims are up more than 1,000% since 2019.

In 2021, California made up almost one-third of all catalytic converter claims in the United States made to State Farm, with the insurance company spending $23 million on 9,057 catalytic converter theft claims.

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1 comment

PattyOfurniture April 14, 2023 - 2:14 pm

Uhhhh, angle grinder and a grinding wheel for $100, Alex?

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