Home » Human Trafficking Bill Killed by Assembly Public Safety Committee

Human Trafficking Bill Killed by Assembly Public Safety Committee

by CC News
Human Trafficking

On Tuesday, the California Assembly Public Safety Committee voted down SB 14 which aimed to address human trafficking, failed to pass committee.

SB 14 is a measure that would add human trafficking of a minor to the list of felony crimes that are defined as serious, making it a strike offense, under California’s Three Strikes law. The bill was granted reconsideration and can come back next year.

Basically, human trafficking of a minor is still not considered a serious felony in California.

Back in May, the bill passed the Senate Floor in a 40-0 vote and has bipartisan support.

Assemblymembers Juan Alanis and Tom Lackey were the only two in support of the bill as it died in a 2-0 vote with no Democrats voting for it,

Assemblymay Lackey took to Twitter after the vote stating: “Typical Tuesday with the California Legislature— we create safe havens for those seeking to victimize our communities and then act surprised as crime continues to rise. I was proud to support #sb14 and stand with victims of human trafficking. #caleg” 

Senator Shannon Grove, the bills author, said the following in May upon passage out of the senate floor.

“It’s hard to believe that selling a human being over and over again is not considered a serious crime in California. Senate Bill 14 will protect countless children who are being trafficked and prevent this horrific crime from happening. This bill is one of the missing pieces that is needed in order to address one of the most lucrative crimes in the world that is happening in communities across our state,” said Grove.

For more information on the bill: Click here

Committee Members

  • Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer (Chair) Dem – 57
  • Juan Alanis (Vice Chair) Rep – 22
  • Mia Bonta Dem – 18
  • Isaac Bryan Dem – 55
  • Tom Lackey Rep – 34
  • Liz Ortega Dem – 20
  • Miguel Santiago Dem – 54
  • Rick Chavez Zbur Dem – 51

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W.Wilie July 11, 2023 - 2:55 pm

Maybe these people are receiving something, money or kiddies to diddle. Why would they be against criminalizing these acts on children. Isn’t their mantra , all about the children!

PattyOfurniture July 12, 2023 - 7:02 am

They sure like to use the old “Think of the children!” line when it fits their agenda, like when they want to stomp on your rights.

Democrats at work! July 11, 2023 - 7:15 pm

Democrats are intentionally destroying the state.
The party of the Corrupt, incompetent, unethical !!

Jack Toffmore July 11, 2023 - 8:44 pm

God only knows why the other Republican on tue committe didn’t vote for this. We all know why the democrats on the committee didn’t vote for this.

Eastbay Native July 12, 2023 - 7:21 am

Eight gutless politicians that won’t do the right thing.

Street Sweeper July 12, 2023 - 4:52 pm

Anybody that voted this down is sh@# regardless of party lines.

Pedocrats July 12, 2023 - 8:39 pm

Democrats support pedophiles.

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