Home » Antioch Announces $500k Facade Upgrade Program

Antioch Announces $500k Facade Upgrade Program

by CC News
Lamar Thorpe

The City of Antioch has $500k available in reimbursement funds to help small business through its new Facade Upgrade Program. Grants will be awarded up to $20,000 per applicant.

Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe held a press conference with city staff and local businesses owners to announce the Facade Upgrade Program, which the council approved through ARPA funding. A business must also be located within a certain census tract (see map).

Thorpe, who held the press conference in southwest Antioch called it a location of “economic decline, neglect and disinvestment as the city bulldozed its way to southeast Antioch” while blaming the mortgage foreclosure crisis, the great recession and the pandemic as only exasperated further economic losses in the area.

He stated how the area looks the same as it did 11-years ago when he moved to the city while acknowledging challenges of inflation, the homeless and violent crime from smash-and-grab theft.

“The good news for all Antioch businesses and the communities that surround these commercial centers is that Antioch has made some key public safety investment that impacts them and these commercial centers today,” stated Thorpe.

He said the city has installed cameras to help find individuals responsible for crime, invested in ShotSpotter, plus they announced COVID-19 grants for businesses still struggling from the pandemic which was a $500k. He added the city has also updated the General Plan to deal with underutilized properties to create an infill commercial housing overlay for large mix-use housing and commercial.

“Today, I am happy to add another tool to our toolbox to announce we will be directly investing in local merchants on specific census tracts because they need our help and need it now. Last year my colleagues and I set aside $2.5 million for small business here in Antioch, specifically on newer resources, improvements and upgrades, small business grants, said Thorpe.

Bret Sweet, Antioch’s economic development Manager, called the façade upgrade program exciting because it directly helps out merchants by helping the outside of businesses. He said they are trying to allow businesses the opportunity to make businesses look attractive and get people shopping in the City of Antioch.

The grants can range from $5,000 to $20,000 where businesses can submit a bit and an idea, once approved, they will do the work and give them the grant. Grants could be available within 90-days. The money is not a loan and will not have to be paid back.

According to Sweet, the eligibility is based on businesses being located within a census tract—a tool is available on the city website—this includes older parts of Antioch. It also includes areas of a concentration of crime.

When asked if they receive a grant, what does the city hope a business does with it.

“I think we are all familiar with the term broken window theory, so this is an opportunity to improve the frontage of a business,” stated Thorpe.

Antioch Interim City Manager Kwame Reed shared this was a reimbursement program where the business would go out and make the improvements and the city would reimburse them up to the grant amount.

If each business applies for a grant an receive $20,000; the program could help 25 businesses.  ARPA funds are being used to fund the program.

When pressed by news media on the need for businesses to get protection from the city, Thorpe stated some property owners have been negligent while stating the police department does not serve as a private security firm for local businesses, but rather they respond when a crime occurs.

Thorpe stated at their business round table meeting, he and businesses would be talking about Business Improvement Districts (BIDS) where businesses have put resources together and have a uniform standard for security and cameras.

Police Staffing Levels:

Prior to Q&A, Thorpe gave an update on  Antioch Police Department staffing levels stating they have 87 officers and authorized to have 115 officers. Of the 87 officers, 43 are currently active—the remaining officers are on some form of leave. No other information was discussed.

Grant Information: Click Here

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Bill October 30, 2023 - 4:41 pm

Lipstick on a pig. Should offer $20k to help businesses move to safer communities given Thorpe stating police only respond and are not security for businesses. With enough police working, they are security because they serve as a deterrent for would be criminals.

Street Sweeper October 30, 2023 - 5:43 pm

Waste of money! Spend it on police officers instead. Without proper policing, business in Antioch will never thrive, ever.

43! Let That Sink In. October 30, 2023 - 6:27 pm

Imagine that! 43 active officers in a city of over 120K residents available to serve the community, yet this guy holds a press conference to focus attention on fluff.

MODERATE October 30, 2023 - 6:30 pm

Another attempt to make a PR mountain out of a molehill. A simple written press release would have sufficed.

Too far gone October 30, 2023 - 7:51 pm

Polishing a turd!
Lamar and Walkertorrezwhatever have gotten what they deserve. They wanted hood they got it.

WPR October 30, 2023 - 7:57 pm

What good is ShotSpotter when there are not enough Police on the streets to answer regular calls.
In another year or two at present rate of decline Antioch will have improved facades on unoccupied buildings.
Does Antioch have leadership or a responsibility dodger who blames others?

Bonnie Jean October 30, 2023 - 8:11 pm

The money will continue to be given to people favored by staff. No one else just like the times it has been done before.

E Dog October 30, 2023 - 11:39 pm

Not sure if the facade improvement will help Antioch because there are so many issues that need to be addressed. 43 sworn equals about 23 actual patrol officers once you subtract administrative and investigative staff. Which means there is alot of overtime just to cover schedules and those that are working have vacation hours on the books. And, we already know what happens when you overwork your employees, more injuries and bad decisions will occur and the morale sinks lower. Not a fan of Thorpe, but the problems in Antioch started long before he arrived. And things will get worse before it improves.

Veronica davey October 31, 2023 - 2:10 am

What the heck are we paying taxes for ? The schools are below average we have only 30% of police working so they should get any more of our hard earn money. Businesses shouldn’t have to pay for sercurity ca. Is becoming a state that just robs u for every dime. How about checking business that don’t even have the legal operation documents or people working without licenses and all the illegals that have ruined this state I’m sick of paying for everyone . And all the cars with out tags plates insurance get to work or hire someone who can handle the job because this major sucks

Neighborhoods Need Attention October 31, 2023 - 7:59 am

Wish he’d give some attention to neighborhoods. Hire back some code enforcement officers, put a rental ordinance in place with some teeth to fine absentee property owners who fail to properly maintain rental houses. Run down housing affects Antioch’s desirability, quality of life and property values far more than the facade of a small business.

George October 31, 2023 - 2:53 pm

“Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe held a press conference” HaHa… from the photo the people standing behind him look like they have heard enough of Thorpe bullsh_t.

Jc November 1, 2023 - 2:52 am

First thing Fire the officers that are on administrative leave and probably getting paid around 70 of them that we’re caught by the FBI exchanging text being racist, planting evidence to get arrested now some convicts might get out because of this.The City does not need this kind of behavior especially when they are supposed to be the good example not the opposite.The police union has a hand in this not letting the city hire new P O .Like they say do the crime do the time or in this case show them the door Antioch does not need officers who lack the mental capacity to be a effective officer of the law this bunch can’t spell Law even if you have them the L A.This would free up some capital the city needs to pay real P O so we can back to Protect and serve.the city owes us this much.it will solve a bunch of problems.

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