A bill that would have provided taxpayer funded legal services to criminal illegal immigrants was pulled from committee hours before the hearing.
The bill that began to get much “heat” over the weekend, including a response from Elon Musk, was set to be heard at the Assembly Judiciary Committee
Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-South Los Angeles) introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 2031, the Representation, Equity, and Protections (REP) for All Immigrants Act. This Act will enhance and expand access to immigration services provided across California for immigrants – regardless of the ability to pay, language, or past interaction with the criminal legal system.
According to the bill, it would remove a provision in current law which would now allow funds to be used to appeal convictions for violent and serious felonies.
On March 10, Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez sounded the alarm and called out AB 2031 as a “BAD BILL ALERT where she stated “CA Dems are pushing a bill for illegal immigrants convicted of violent felonies to receive taxpayer-funded legal aid & avoid deportation! AB 2031 is completely UNACCEPTABLE. Why do they want to prioritize immigrant rapists & murderers over everyone else?”
This prompted Assembly Leader James Gallagher to issue a response to the AB 2031 stating, “CA has a $70 billion deficit and Democrats want to spend even more to hire lawyers for illegal immigrants that committed violent felonies. We need to stop this insanity.”
Assemblymember Bill Essayli took it a step further issuing a formal press release against the bill:
Asm. Bill Essayli Condemns Dangerous AB 2031 “One California” Proposal
SACRAMENTO, Calif. Today Assemblyman Bill Essayli issued the following statement condemning AB 2031 (Jones-Sawyer) which endangers Californians by using taxpayer funds to defend murderers.
“AB 2031 endangers Californians by using taxpayer funds to protect dangerous criminal illegal immigrants from deportation. Policies like this are exactly what led to the murder of a nursing student in Georgia Laken Riley, University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts, San Francisco resident Kate Steinle, and America Thayer who was beheaded by her boyfriend who had an extensive criminal record.
“As a former federal prosecutor I routinely brought charges against criminal illegal immigrants who had horrific criminal records. The state of California should be assisting federal law enforcement in removing these criminals, not fighting to protect them. Our legislators are confused on who they represent in Sacramento. We must always act in the best interest of California citizens.”
Assemblyman Bill Essayli will be available for comment immediately following the Assembly Judiciary Committee vote on AB 2031 Tuesday, March 12 outside of State Capitol Room 437.
The bill even prompted Elon Musk to chime in.
This then prompted a response from Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Saywer who authored the bill.
“@elonmusk One of us fights to ensure due process & a fair trial for all human beings. The other makes billions allowing drug sales to take place on their platform. You’re right, enough is enough. That’s why I’ve authored #AB1800 to put away CEOs who host illegal drug markets.”
At 10:30 pm Monday, Assemblymemebr Essayli said the bill was pulled.
- Jan 4 – Bill Introduced To Repeal Taxpayer Funding for Illegal Immigrants’ Health Insurance
- Sept. 23, 2023 –Â Governor Newsom Vetoes The Home Act
Proof anew that voters should apply their”ballet brooms” to the state legislature.
There is only one reason democrats invite as many illegal aliens as possible: It gives them more power in congress in two ways. First, the illegals are counted in the census, and congressional seats are given by the census numbers. Second, the illegal’s children will be American citizen and vote democrat in gratitude for being here.
What is really funny is that his people will be the first to say that money belongs to them. Some people will say it you have money for illegals ,you can pay us what is owed to us.
I can’t think of a better example of why Californian’s need to stop making it a mindless habit of voting along party lines, and pay attention to what’s being done. I’m sure that working middle class Democrats (and yes, there is such a thing) have got to be fed up with the ever-increasing taxes and obscene budget deficit that now looms, that was a record budget surplus, before Newsome and his drunken sailor spending spree pissed it all away, in one fiscal year.
Imagine that… in 2022 there was a $97.5 Billion budget surplus, and by 2023 it was all gone and morphed into a $31 Billion dollar deficit. Estimates now from the California Legislative Analyst’s Office, says that it will balloon to a $75 Billion dollar deficit for the 2024-2025 budget. And this politician had the cojones to introduce that spending bill?
Had enough yet, California?? It’s time for a change, neither we nor our children’s futures can afford these giveaways.
Bro 🤣🤣
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