Home » Pleasanton Looks at Sales Tax to Close Budget Shortfall

Pleasanton Looks at Sales Tax to Close Budget Shortfall

City of Pleasanton

by CC News

The City of Pleasanton is facing a severe and increasing structural budget shortfall of $13 million annually over the next eight years. In response, staff have been working to proactively address the projected budget deficit with a combination of reduced costs and increased revenue.

Among cost containment efforts, the City has delayed the purchase of equipment and vehicles, frozen some positions, reduced costs associated with contract services, and consolidated the Engineering and Operations Services Departments into the new Public Works Department. Additionally, the City Council approved a reduction of $2.5 million from the upcoming fiscal year’s budget and created a contingency menu of cuts that may become necessary if revenues aren’t increased.

City Council directed staff to conduct a public opinion poll seeking input from the community regarding Pleasanton’s service priorities and to assess the viability of a small ½ cent sales tax measure. A ½ cent sales tax increase, if passed, would add approximately $10 million to the City’s General Fund each year. At the June 18 City Council meeting, staff will present polling results and draft ballot language for a potential sales tax measure.

The public opinion poll was conducted between May 15-21, 2024. Support for a general-purpose measure increased since a similar poll in September 2023, with 58% of those surveyed indicating support for the general-purpose measure.

Consistent with a community survey conducted earlier in spring, top community priorities are largely related to maintaining public safety services while secondary priorities are related to maintaining storm drains, streets and roads, parks, pedestrian safety, and preserving open space. Polling results show that a sales tax measure to maintain essential City services and protect Pleasanton’s quality of life may be viable for the November 2024 election.

View the Agenda Report for additional details on the polling results and draft ballot language. Additional information about the City’s budget deficit and a potential ½ cent sales tax ballot measure can be found on the Protecting Pleasanton’s Quality of Life webpage.

A final decision on whether or not to include a sales tax ballot measure on the November ballot will be made at the July 16, 2024 City Council meeting.

For more information: Click Here


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