Home » Oakley Police Impound Vehicle Involved in Sideshow Activity

Oakley Police Impound Vehicle Involved in Sideshow Activity

by CC News

The Oakley Police Department announced it has impounded a vehicle associated with sideshows in the local area, including the city of Antioch.

On June 6, 2024, Officer F. Williams was on patrol when he saw a caravan of vehicles being driven recklessly and in a manner that made it seem as if the drivers were interacting with each other in a hazardous manner. Officer Williams attempted to make an enforcement stop on an Infiniti and an associated Audi blocked Officer Williams from the Infiniti. The Infiniti then fled on O’Hara Avenue to Laurel Road and then to Highway 4. The Infiniti minimally ran three stop lights and reached speeds of 80MPH as it fled from Officer Williams. Officer Williams terminated the pursuit due to prevailing conditions and he started to do an investigation into the Infiniti. Officer Williams determined this particular Infiniti has been involved in side-show activity in the Antioch area. Officer Williams wrote an “impound warrant” for the vehicle due to its involvement in the reckless driving and pursuit.

On June 19, 2024, Officer Williams located the vehicle at the 7-11 store at the intersection of Empire Avenue and Main Street. Officer Williams arranged to have the vehicle towed and impounded, at the owners expense, for 30 days.

Oakley Police Chief Paul Beard stated, “I appreciate the interest Officer Williams has in vehicles that are being used for nefarious purposes. I further appreciate how his actions in this case epitomize what I see is the vision and the trademark of the Oakley Police Department- we do not give up easily and we keep working hard in our investigations to safeguard the interests of the people of Oakley. Stay safe Oakley.”


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SW June 21, 2024 - 8:40 am

Nice work by Officer Williams, especially having the foresight to cut the chase.
Hopefully the owner is paying at least $40 a day and tow fees.
But what about the associated Audi who was interfering with the traffic stop of the Infiniti?
I’d like to see Officer Williams make contact with him.

PattyOfurniture June 21, 2024 - 11:32 am

Not too bright, that one, run from the cops and continue to visit said city where you ran from the cops

There’s an old saying that applies here: don’t crap where you live.

Street Sweeper June 21, 2024 - 5:46 pm

Nice work! Support the Blue. –

Charge impound fees of $100 per day for 30 days.

FOOS June 21, 2024 - 6:57 pm

Great police work. I just wish Antioch police had the time to devote to proactive Enforcement.


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