Home » Fire Station 95 Opens With Joint Staffing in Oakley

Fire Station 95 Opens With Joint Staffing in Oakley

by CC News

Station 95 is expected to reduce response times across the county by 90-seconds. Meanwhile, response times to City of Oakley, Knightsen and Bethel Island should be cut in half when Engine 95 crew is in the station.

OAKLEY, CALIF. – Contra Costa County Fire Protection District (Con Fire) and East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (East Con) today announced staffing of the new, but previously unopened, Fire Station 95 in Oakley. Beginning today, the station is fully staffed for the first time with a three-firefighter engine company equipped to dispatch on either the station’s standard Type 1 Engine 95 or its wildland firefighting Engine 395.

The addition of this fire crew is expected to have positive impacts on fire and emergency medical responses across the area, boosting firefighter availability by 33 percent in East County at a time of critically high wildfire danger. Engine 95 enters service as an Advanced Life Support (ALS) crew, a rolling emergency room staffed by a paramedic, as well as emergency medical technicians, a first for East County.

This staffing collaboration comes fully one month ahead of annexation of East Con by Con Fire and is an early reflection of the benefits residents in East County, and across the rest of the County, can expect to see from the newly expanded Con Fire.

“The opening of this station represents a landmark increase of services ready to respond to the communities of Bethel Island and the eastern portions of the City of Oakley. This is the first step with increased services that annexation with Con Fire is bringing us,” said Brian Helmick, fire chief, East Contra Costa Fire Protection District.

“Today’s unique collaborative effort between Con Fire and East Con Fire highlights the types of improvements to fire and EMS capabilities residents across the County can expect to realize from our upcoming annexation,” said Lewis Broschard, fire chief, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District. “Fire Station 95 is now delivering resources to a long-underserved part of the County. Working together with our East Con colleagues, we look forward to more such improvements as our July 1 annexation date nears.”

Fire Station 95 will support residents of the City of Oakley and surrounding communities along with the firefighters who staff it, allowing for better quality of life, health, training, and community interaction.

Total cost for the new station when built in 2020 was $10 million. Due to ongoing revenue challenges, the station was not staffed or opened at that time. Since completion, it has served as an administrative office for staff providing services to East County.

Designed with cancer prevention in mind, the station includes state-of-the-art gross decontamination showers, turnout extractors, and modern systems for extraction of diesel exhaust particulates. Its location lends itself to facilitating rapid responses to the area’s wildfire challenges.

A ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Fire Station 95, with elected officials from the East Contra Costa Fire Protection District Board, County and City of Oakley making remarks and participating was scheduled for 10 a.m., June 1, 2022 at the station, located at 3200 East Cypress Road, Oakley


Contra Costa County Fire Protection District (Con Fire) — A recognized fire service leader – Con Fire provides fire and emergency medical services to some 625,000 residents in nine cities and five unincorporated areas across our 304 square-mile jurisdiction. With few exceptions, county emergency ambulance transport services are provided by Con Fire through our unique sub-contractor Alliance model across the District and beyond to include some 520 square miles of the County. In 2021, the District responded to more than 141,000 incidents of all types, including some 55,000 fire and EMS emergencies, and dispatched nearly 100,000 ambulances, providing expert medical care on more than 75,000 ambulance transports. The District, with 26 fire stations and more than 400 employees, is dedicated to preserving life, property, and the environment.


East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (ECCFPD) is a rural-funded fire district that currently operates three fire stations and has a three-station deficit. The District protects a population of more than 128,000 across its 249 square-mile service area. ECCFPD provides firefighting personnel, emergency medical services (basic life support) and fire prevention to the residents and businesses of the cities of Brentwood and Oakley, and unincorporated communities of Discovery Bay, Bethel Island, Knightsen, Byron, Marsh Creek, and Morgan Territory.


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