Home » Antioch Set to Talk Homekey Program Funding and Liquor Store Ban

Antioch Set to Talk Homekey Program Funding and Liquor Store Ban

by CC News

On Thursday, the City of Antioch will hold a special meeting of the City Council to discuss a Homekey Program and Unhoused Strategies. They will also discuss a potential urgency ordinance banning all new liquor stores.

During the last council meeting, Mayor Lamar Thorpe stated they would have a special meeting for homeless options, however, it appears the city is attempting to sneak in a possible new liquor stores ban.

Antioch Councilwoman Monica Wilson held a press conference Tuesday with vice chair of the parks and recreation commission Dominique King who called on the ban and a temporary moratorium.

The press conference was held in response to the Antioch Planning Commission voting 4-3 in favor of Item 7.3 which is the Somersville Plaza Liquor Store. The applicant is seeking Use Permit approval for the operation of a new liquor store with a type 21-Off-Sale General license from ABC. The subject site is a 2.02-acre parcel developed with a commercial center and parking lot. The liquor store would sell beer, wine, liquor, drinks, snacks, and similar items. The applicant is proposing to operate from 7am to 12am, 7 days a week. Four employees will work at the store.

The Council will also receive a presentation from Focus Strategies while considering potential initiation of a second Homekey proposal solicitation while deciding whether to make a motion determining the city’s potential financial pledge and designating a source of city funds.

The fiscal impact shall be determined based on the City’s pledge and identified source of local funds associated with a 15 or 55 year commitment

According to the staff report, services and operations must be committed for up to 15-years but can be funded annually. For the permanent Homekey and mixed population projects: the operations commitment would be $0 if vouchers were available (of the $12M in capital for the mixed population project, $4.5M is for operations).

Antioch budget provided in the staff report


Going back to the February 14 meeting, Dignity Moves presented the State of California HomeKey Program to the council which included multiple examples:

  • Homekey 1: LifeMoves Mountain View: a $14.4 million grant ($12 million for capital) which provides 100 rooms (88 individuals/couples; 12 families)
  • Homekey 2: Labath Landing Rohnert Park: a $14.6 million grant ($11.4 million for capital) which provides 60 private rooms for individuals and couples (6 with private bathrooms).
  • Homekey 2: Dignity Village Alameda: a $12.3 million grant ($9.4 million for capital) with 47 private rooms anticipated to be completed in April 2023.

The council also received information regarding the Delta Fair Site Plan Test-fit  (main story image) which is a 5 acre site with 1-2 acres could fit 50 units initially for interim housing but could still fit for vouchers and PSH in the future. They could also start with 75-100 units.

The costs range from $16 million to $31.5 million depending on interim housing (50 units) to 100 permanent housing units. The operating costs are $9 million (5-years) to $18 million (10 years).

Antioch Special Meeting

February 23, 2023
5:00 pm
200 H Street, Antioch CA
For agenda and staff report: Click Here

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WPR February 24, 2023 - 12:22 am

Last major economic downturn when property tax valuations decreased where did city of Antioch make cuts and who got laid off? With current economic problems, inflation and reduction in discretionary spending businesses dependent upon that spending are going to suffer. City has already lost too many businesses. Council has duty to limit city’s exposure to budgetary red ink. City especially Antioch needs to maintain a budgetary surplus. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER.

Robert C. February 24, 2023 - 6:57 am

The liquor store issue is not new, yet now we have council “special meetings” and proposed “urgency ordinances.” Transparent grandstanding.

Banana Lady February 24, 2023 - 9:48 am

Notice personnel costs increasing almost $10 million from 2022-23 to 2024-25. This is ridiculous! Why?

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