Home » Contra Costa Firefighters Battle 3-Alarm Fire in Bay Point

Contra Costa Firefighters Battle 3-Alarm Fire in Bay Point

by CC News
3 alarm fire

At 4:45 pm Thursday, Contra Costa County Firefighters responded to a 3-alarm vegetation fire in the area of Willow Pass Road and N. Bella Monte Avenue in Bay Point.

While responding, crews observed heavy smoke and upon arrival, called for additional alarms—which turned out to be a 3-alarm response. It was discovered not only was vegetation on fire, but also structures and vehicles.

By 5:43 pm, Contra Costa Fire reported the fire was knocked down which was burning a mix of vegetation, vehicles and structures across at least two city blocks. Crews were expected to be on scene for several hours and surface streets in the area were closed.

CONFIRE ultimately reported the fire  involved both halves of a duplex, 1 single family home, several detached structures, an RV, and a large eucalyptus tree. Fire originated near Bella Monte and Willow Pass, torched through the eucalyptus, and caused spot fires which burned across Highway Ave to Crivello

By 6:31 pm, Contra Costa County Fire said gusting winds, tall and unabated weeds, debris piles, and accumulations of combustible debris around structures were all factors in this incident.

They urged the public to cut down and remove hazardous vegetation to assist firefighters. Safety is a shared responsibility to both the public and firefighters.

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