Home » Kindergartner Brings Knife to Elementary School in Oakley

Kindergartner Brings Knife to Elementary School in Oakley

by CC News

Last week, the Oakley Police Department responded to Almond Grove Elementary School for a report of a kindergartner who brought a knife to school.

Principal Adam Liebow confirmed the incident and shared  an individual student made the “poor choice” to bring a knife to school.

“Students who became aware of the knife, trusted their teacher and quickly reported this to her. The teacher immediately took possession of the knife and informed Administration,” explained Liebow.  “We acted quickly to ensure everyone was safe and initiated our investigation into this situation.”

He said following the incident, parents in the class were notified that afternoon and a school wide communication went out the following day. The Oakley Police Department were notified and took a report.

“I commend our staff and students for doing exactly what we ask them to do, reporting anything dangerous, and for their immediate responses. We have made counseling available to all and conducted assemblies with students regarding behavior and expectations,” said Liebow.

According to Oakley Police, they also confirmed they responded and made a report.

“The knife has been described to me as a kitchen steak knife and it was further explained to me there was no ill intent on the part of the child. Our part in this investigation was to document it and provide proper counseling to the child, who has been reported to me as being five years old,” said Chief Paul Beard.  “The investigating officer said he felt as if the child had the knife as a “play prop” and he seemed to be showing off with it. From what I can tell the child did not have malicious intent in this incident.”

Liebow said he could not discuss actions taken with the student, but praised staff for their quick actions and following protocol.

“At Almond Grove, we have a safety plan and protocols that help keep all students and staff safe. We use situations like this to review our policies and procedures with our School Site Council and local law enforcement,” said Liebow.

No other information on the incident was provided nor was the announcement to the school upon request.

On Friday, the Oakley Police Department announced a student at Freedom High School was arrested for having a firearm in a vehicle on campus.  The student was a 17-year-old.


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Street Sweeper August 7, 2023 - 5:44 pm

Knives, guns, thug life, poor parenting, coddling, non-accountability = recipe for failure. Oakley & Brentwood becoming Antioch more & more by the day.

Joe August 9, 2023 - 4:19 pm

“The investigating officer said he felt as if the child had the knife as a “play prop” and he seemed to be showing off with it. From what I can tell the child did not have malicious intent in this incident.”

LIES!!! The boy said he was going to kill another student and cut off other kid’s kneecaps

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