Home » Danville Police Seek Identity of Robbery Suspects

Danville Police Seek Identity of Robbery Suspects

by CC News
Danville Police

The Danville Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying a suspect in a recent robbery.

On Friday, November 10 at 4:35 am, a robbery took place at a local gas station near the intersection of Crow Canyon Road and Camino Tassajara in Danville. The suspect, described as a white male adult with a short ponytail, was armed with a firearm and passed a note demanding money.

Police said although the suspect’s face is obscured in the surveillance photos, someone within the community may recognize the distinctive clothing or have seen this individual elsewhere. They are actively investigating this incident, and need the public’s help identifying the suspect. If you have any information, witnessed anything unusual around the time of the incident, or have information about the suspect’s clothing, you are urged to contact the Danville Police Department.

To share any information you may have, please reach out to the Danville PD Investigation Unit at [email protected] or call 925-314-3700. Your cooperation is invaluable in ensuring the safety and well-being of our community.

Fill the Cruiser – Toys for Tots Collection

  • Join us in front of Marshall’s from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on December 8, 2023, as we collect new, unopened toys benefiting children in Contra Costa County. Toys for Tots 2023 collection drive
  • Join us in front of Marshall’s from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on December 15, 2023, as we collect new, unopened toys benefiting children in Contra Costa County. Toys for Tots 2023 collection drive.

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1 comment

Street Sweeper November 20, 2023 - 6:42 am

Guy walking in wearing bright blue latex gloves might be a red flag 🤔

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