Home » Backpack With Drugs Located Outside Antioch Middle School

Backpack With Drugs Located Outside Antioch Middle School

by CC News
Antioch Police Department Badge

At 10:16 am Wednesday, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District firefighters responded to Antioch Middle School to a report of a backpack with possible fentanyl inside.

Units responded after a custodian located the backpack, which prompted a minor HAZMAT response due to possible exposure. The backpack was outside the perimeter of the school. The custodian picked it up, took it to the vice principal who then called Antioch police to take possession of the backpack.

By 10:33 am, AMR was requested to the scene for possible fentanyl exposure. Ultimately, it was determined there was no need for a HAZMAT response.

According to the District, this did not involve any students and the backpack was located outside of Antioch Middle School. However, they did confirm it was located by a school employee who discovered drug paraphernalia and contacted the Antioch Police Department. They have since taken possession of the bag.

No other details are available.,


As of 11:00 am, the following statement went out by AUSD:

Good morning, this is Principal Jones-Douglas.

Prior to the start of the school day, our custodian found an unattended backpack outside the perimeter of the campus. Upon inspection, the bag appeared to contain possible drug paraphernalia. APD was contacted and the bag taken into custody. At this time, it does not appear that the bag was connected to any students or that any students handled the bag. All students are in class and the school day is progressing uninterrupted.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.

Antioch Police Department has not released any information on the incident.


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Street Sweeper December 20, 2023 - 4:11 pm

Read this article and then read the letter from the principle. The timelines don’t match to what the letter states. Typical principle downplaying a serious matter.

What Time Is It? December 30, 2023 - 2:27 am

Right?! Prior to the start of the school day yet it was after 10am? What time does their school day begin? Someone has their time-frames screwed up.

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