Home » Frost Advisory Issued for Thursday in Contra Costa County

Frost Advisory Issued for Thursday in Contra Costa County

by CC News

The National Weather Service has issued a frost advisory for Thursday as temperatures could reach as low as 32-degrees in the East Bay.

The advisory also includes portions of the North Bay, SF Peninsula and Central Coast between the hours of 3:00 am to 10:00 am. Thursday, January 11, 2024.  Meanwhile, far interior portions and higher elevation spots in the East Bay see temperatures in the upper 20’s.

The impacts is that frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. You are also encouraged to take steps to protect tender plans from the cold.

Tips to Stay Safe in Cold Weather

Stay safe as chilly temperatures are in the forecast for Contra Costa County.

Take steps now to protect people, pets, plants, and pipes from the cold:

  • People: Wear layers, limit time outdoors, and check heaters in advance.
  • Pets: Bring pets indoors at night and provide them with plenty of warmth.
  • Plants: Cover or bring sensitive plants indoors.
  • Pipes: Wrap/cover exposed outdoor pipes to prevent freezing.

Recognize the symptoms of cold weather exposure:

  • Confusion, dizziness, exhaustion and shivering are signs of possible hypothermia. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
  • Gray, white or yellow skin discoloration, numbness or waxy skin are symptoms of frostbite. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.
  • In the case of overexposure to freezing temperatures, remove wet clothing and immediately warm the body with a blanket or warm fluids like hot cider or soup.

Stay safe on roadways and beware of black ice, which can form on roads during frigid temperatures.

Here are more tips to stay safe from cold weather: https://cchealth.org/cold-weather/.

Need help and resources? Call 211, text “HOPE” to 20121 or visit https://www.crisis-center.org/.

Here are safety tips to stay safe and warm from PG&E: https://www.safetyactioncenter.pge.com/articles/41-stay-warm-safe-winter

King tides:
The return of King Tides has prompted a Coastal Flood Advisory for the Bay shoreline from 9 AM to noon Thursday, January 11th. High astronomical tides will cause minor flooding for flood-prone, low-lying areas near the bay shoreline.

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