Home » Brentwood Police Say Vehicle Crash Results in Arrest for Firearm and Drug Charges

Brentwood Police Say Vehicle Crash Results in Arrest for Firearm and Drug Charges

by CC News
Maxwell Hayworth

The Brentwood Police Department report that a crash last week resulted in an arrest of a felon being in possession of a firearm as well as drug and burglary charges.

According to police, on January 10, Brentwood officers were dispatched to a car accident that occurred on O’Hara Avenue near Baldina Drive. When officers arrived on scene, one of them immediately noticed a gun holster lying on the floorboard of one of the involved cars.

Officers determined the driver, identified as 44 year-old Maxwell Hayworth, was a convicted felon and in possession of a loaded gun, which is prohibited. Officers also located a large amount of prepackaged drugs, ziplock bags, approximately $2,000 in cash, shaved keys which can be used to open mailboxes or steal cars, as well as several license plates which did not belong to Hayworth.

Hayworth was placed under arrest for being a felon in possession of a firearm, Possession of drugs for sale, Possession of burglary tools, and other related charges. He was transported to the Martinez Detention Facility for booking.

No other information was released on the incident.

Town Hall

Brentwood Police to Host Townhall

The Brentwood Police Department is hosting a community Town Hall Meeting on January 24, 2024 and members of the community are invited.

The Community Town Hall will be held from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the Community Center located at 35 Oak Street in Brentwood.  Members of the Brentwood Police Department will be providing in person presentations regarding laws, policies and updates regarding the unhoused population (homeless population) in the City of Brentwood.

This is an in-person Town Hall meeting only and for further inquiries, you may email Officer Laughridge at [email protected] or call 925-809-7778.

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MODERATE January 17, 2024 - 10:47 am

Leopards don’t change their spots…

Pattyofurniture January 19, 2024 - 11:49 am

I’m sure more gun laws would have prevented this guy from having that gun /s

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