Home » Brentwood to Receive Update on Vineyards at Marsh Creek Project

Brentwood to Receive Update on Vineyards at Marsh Creek Project

by CC News
Brentwood vineyards at marsh creek

On Tuesday, the Brentwood City Council will receive an update on the Vineyards at Marsh Creek Event Center and Amphitheater Phase 1.

The project, which began in 2004 with a concept sits on 31-acres between the John Marsh Historic House sited just off Vineyards Parkway and the Trilogy at the Vineyards community in Brentwood, California. The project will include up to 1,000-seat amphitheater with theatrical support space, an event promenade, lawn, box office, restroom facilities, parking, and an identified location for a future art/event center. Additionally, the project may include a wedding venue and sculpture garden / adventure playground for children.

The current budget for the project is $8.1M — however, per the staff report, the project is now estimated at $14,400,000 after utilizes data from a recent estimate for the Sand Creek Sports Complex and takes into account the latest inflation and cost increases in fuel, materials and labor. Based on these figures, the remaining available funding for the project is insufficient to proceed through the design-build contract.

The council is being asked provide direction regarding the project, including the use of associated funds.

Currently, through amendments to the Development Agreement, the developer dedicated property to the City and provided approximately $3,672,000 in initial funding for the Project. Investment interest of $359,000 has been earned by the City over the years, and is currently included in the project budget. Staff also estimates, annual operating and maintenance costs of $412,000 beginning in FY 2025/26.

The council is now being asked to provide direction:

Next Steps:

1. Continue forward with the project as currently scoped with an option to:

    • Complete the SEIR process and place the project on hold until such time that additional funding to meet the estimated $14.4M required is identified to complete Phase I, or
    • Pause the SEIR process, place the project and SEIR on hold until such time that additional funding is identified for Phase I.

2. Revisit and revise the project scope for an amphitheater, reducing it to fit the current remaining total budget of approximately $8.7M. This would require completion of the SEIR, additional redesign costs, and a significantly smaller amphitheater with less capabilities, and potential off-setting revenue opportunities.

3. Revise the project scope to build a park/trail or other neighborhood amenity on the property with input from the Park and Recreation Commission and public, potentially utilizing some or all of the developer- provided funding of approximately $3.7M and explore repurposing of any balance, including the Development Impact Fee funds and investment interest earned, towards another City project(s), and/or location(s). These funding options will require additional legal review, and can be explored if the Council directs.

According to the City of Brentwood website, this is the following schedule overview:

  • Project Initiation (March 2021)
  • Program Development: (April through July 2021)
  • Conceptual / Schematic Design (Thru Fall 2021)
  • 30% Design (Fall 2022)
  • CEQA Review & Approval (Winter 2023)
  • Design-Build Team Selection (Spring 2024)
  • 100% Design Completion (Spring 2024)
  • Begin Construction (Summer 2024)
  • Construction Completion (Summer 2025)


City Council Chambers
150 City Park Way
Brentwood, CA 94513
Agenda + Staff Report — click here

Previous Actions:

  • On April 13, 2004, the City Council approved the Environmental Impact Report, the Development Agreement, the General Plan Amendment and the Rezone for The Vineyards at Marsh Creek Project.
  • On January 11, 2011, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 886, approving the first amendment to the Development Agreement for The Vineyards at Marsh Creek Project.
  • On December 11, 2012, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 908, approving the second amendment to the Development Agreement for The Vineyards at Marsh Creek Project.
  • On November 16 and 17, 2017, the City Council held workshops to discuss, deliberate and direct staff on City Council priorities and the allocation of financial resources for the development of a two-year City of Brentwood Strategic Plan. Direction was provided to initiate the amphitheater feasibility study in Fiscal Year 2017/18.
  • On January 23, 2018, by Resolution No. 2018-07, the City Council amended the 2017/18 Operating Budget and approved the recommended mid-year budget adjustments, including an amendment of $100,000 for funding of the Vineyards amphitheater feasibility study.
  • On May 8, 2018, by Resolution No. 2018-47, the City Council approved and authorized the City Manager or designee to execute a Professional Services Agreement with C.H.Johnson Consulting, Inc., to perform an amphitheater feasibility study in an amount not to exceed $99,920.
  • On August 13, 2019, the City Council accepted an informational report regarding the amphitheater feasibility study and provided initial direction to staff, with further City Council direction regarding possible implementation and prioritization to be provided during the upcoming Strategic Planning Process.
  • On February 25, 2020, by Resolution No. 2020-24, the City Council approved and authorized the use of the design-build methodology for the bidding process of The Vineyards at Marsh Creek – Event Center / Amphitheater, CIP Project No. 337-37231.
  • On February 9, 2021, by Resolution No. 2021-19, the City Council approved and authorized the City Manager to execute an Agreement for Architectural Design Services with DLR Group in the amount of $362,950, plus a 10% contingency of $36,295, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $399,245, for The Vineyards at Marsh Creek – Event Center / Amphitheater, CIP Project No. 337-37231.
  • On May 25, 2021, by Resolution No. 2021-59, the City Council adopted the City’s 2021/22 – 2025/26 Capital Improvement Program (“CIP”), which included the Vineyards at Marsh Creek – Event Center/Amphitheater, CIP Project No. 337-37231.
  • On December 14, 2021, by Resolution No. 2021-149, the City Council approved and authorized the City Manager to execute an Agreement for Environmental Services with Raney Planning & Management, Inc. for preparation of a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report in the amount of $169,420, plus a 10% contingency of $16,942, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $186,362, for The Vineyards at Marsh Creek – Event Center/Amphitheater, CIP Project No. 337-37231.

Unrelated but another project coming to Brentwood


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1 comment

Stop Spending January 22, 2024 - 6:42 am

No project should be jumping costs like that in a matter of 3 years. At some point you have to put things on hold to save the taxpayers money.

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