Home » Mary Rocha Calls for Removal of Antioch School Board President

Mary Rocha Calls for Removal of Antioch School Board President

by CC News
Antioch School Board

Last week, Antioch School Board Trustee Mary Rocha called for a censure and a discussion item to remove Trustee Antonio Hernandez as Board President.

“Given the clear violation of board policies and protocols, I am calling for a censure resolution to be included in next months governing board meeting and to add a discussion item to consider the potential removal of Board President Hernandez from a position as president,” said Rocha at the May 22 meeting.

The censure and removal request comes as Hernandez has made multiple attempts to remove Superintendent Stephanie Anello either through resignation or termination. This comes as a third-party investigator cleared the district of any mishandling of “bully boss” accusations regarding Ken Turnage II–in our podcast, Turnage provides his side of the story which he says has been misrepresented. Hernandez is also calling for a district wide investigation into AUSD ‘culture”.

Mary Rocha read the following statement:

“Over the course of the last month, the president of the Antioch Unified School District Governing Board Antonio Hernandez has taken it upon himself to engage in practices that are not, that are in my opinion, unbecoming of a board president and direct conflict of Board Policy and Board Bylaws.

During this time, Board President Hernandez divulged confidential privileged information regarding personnel matters with members of the media. Spoke out of turn in public about private personnel matters and potential violation of board policies regarding individual employees including the superintendent. Publicly attacked the superintendent calling for her resignation and accusing her of wrongdoing outside of all due process procedures and proper evaluation.

He held an ill-conceived public meeting following the lack of a quorum for the special meeting he attempted to hold on April 25, 2024 when he was advised he would not be able to initiate a meeting.

These an other actions have placed the district in legal jeopardy and subject to subject to signification claims, litigation and exposure for damages, especially as he was acting as president of the board without any authority to do so nor did a majority of the board provide any authorization for the board president to speak to the media or on his personal social media on the boards behalf.

To violate confidentiality, to speak on personnel matters or to personally attack any employees of the district. Board Hernandez behavior is disrespectful and flies in the face of our board policies, disregards due process, rights of employees, contractual obligations to the superintendent and jeopardizes communities trust in our constitution as a school board, especially during the tenuous times as we will be going through a process to obtain a positive board rating which could lead to a significant increase in costs to citizens of this community should we be identified as a district in chaos.

A school board should function as the policy keepers of the organization and as a governance team that provides an umbrella protection for the district, not as a negative force that seeks to create havoc or mistrust and engages in ill-conceived attempts to do administrative work. That work is beyond our skill and training level.

Board President Hernandez efforts appear to seek to undermine the administrative structure that exists to protect employees and seeks to disrupt the work of the boards one employee, the superintendent, and seeks to use the concerns of a few for his personnel political attacks.

Given the clear violation of board policies and protocols I am calling for a censure resolution to be included in next months governing board meeting and to add a discussion item to consider the potential removal of Board President Hernandez from a position as president.

Our school community and the employees of the District and the Superintendent and Senior Management team can only effectively function when we as board members, including the president, are able to follow the same board policies that we seek to govern.”

Rocha concluded her statement by requesting the item be placed at the June 26th meeting.

At the same meeting, the Board of Trustees who took its first step towards a district wide “culture” investigation. In a 3-1 vote, with Trustee Gary Hack dissenting, the item will return with a list of firms who the board could hire to investigate “culture” and ” practices and processes” within the Antioch School District.

Timeline… so far.

  • January 2023 – First Complaint against Turnage filed for desk on the roof
  • Sept. 13, 2023 – Kim Atkinson speaks at school board meeting – Dr. Clyde Lewis says they will look into it.
  • Late September 2023 – Kim Atkinson files complaint against Turnage
  • Jan 24, 2024 – Kim Atkinson speaks at board meeting says she provided 24 examples of a hostile environment.
  • April 10, 2024 – Superintendent Anello confirms Trustee Hernandez requested debrief
  • April 14, 2024 – Kim Atkinson speaks again at school board meeting.
  • April 14, 2024 – the “bully boss” news articles begin to hit the public
  • April 18, 2024 – Trustee Hernandez calls for Superintendent Anello resignation
  • April 19, 2024 – Special School Board Meeting called – no quorum and calls for resignation of Anello for second time
  • April 23, 2024 – Superintendent Anello formally placed on medical leave (unknown when she will return)
  • April 24, 2024 – AUSD announces independent third-party investigations.
  • April 25, 2024 – Special School Board Meeting called — no quorum and calls for resignation of Anello for third time.
  • May 4, 2024 – Turnage returns with Liz Robbins to remove personal items from office
  • May 8, 2024 – AUSD Board Meeting. School Board provided debrief on investigations.
  • May 15, 2024 – AUSD releases letter to district employees citing they acted in accordance with the law and proper process and protocols. Also cites Anello not involved with any of the investigations, findings or discipline.
  • May 15, 2024 – Trustee Hernandez cites he is now being bullied by superintendent on social media. Also posts legal documents breaking client-attorney privileges of the Board.
  • May 16, 2024 – Turnage breaks silence during podcast of what transpired.
  • May 22, 2024 – Trustee Rocha calls for censure and possible removal of Hernandez as Board President.

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1 comment

Street Sweeper May 28, 2024 - 4:19 pm

Ironic that Mary Rocha wants to recall anyone. Go back to sleep Mary.

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