Home » Editorial: Antioch Police Chief Must Be Honest With Residents

Editorial: Antioch Police Chief Must Be Honest With Residents

By Mike Burkholder

by CC News
Chief Steve Ford

I am calling on Antioch Police Chief Steve Ford to begin telling the truth to Antioch residents about what is really going on within the City of Antioch.

That starts by actually sharing information with the community on true staffing levels, shootings, assaults, robberies, sideshows and even lack of officer responses. This past weekend, four shootings occurred, not a single piece of information released–including a shooting outside a local business that left 1 dead, 3 wounded and 60+ gunshots.

Last week, it was a 4th of July sideshow which Antioch Police had no officers to respond to the incident for nearly 2 hours—it was pulling teeth to get information. Before that, there was a large gathering downtown resulting in an assault which required Pittsburg Police response—not a word released.

Two former Antioch police spokesperson’s, Darryl Saffold and Ashley Crandell were fabulous at providing information and were responsive, today, both are no longer in the position and information has been hard to come by. While attempting to get information from another officer, I was told “I don’t work for you” and that was the end of that discussion. Rather pathetic response if you ask me but he is right, he doesn’t work for me, but he works for the residents who deserve information about what is going on in the city.

At this point, Antioch Police has a customer service and transparency problem that must be immediately addressed—regardless of any investigations or oversight. They are operating in a silo mentality and its not going to end well for anyone.

For months, we have heard Chief Ford paint a rosy picture regarding police response, officer availability to laterals/new recruits and that the community is safe. This can be verified during review of council meetings or to anyone who has attended the community forums. He has also preached community engagement which has been a bust because many people can see right through it and the empty promises being made.

I understand we all want to believe the police department because we don’t want things to get worse, but its gotten worse and his rosy picture has turned ugly and no longer accurate—the picture is flat out hogwash!  Meanwhile, he is even now unresponsive to phone calls and emails.

It’s his job to make a community feel safe, I get it,  but its also irresponsible in painting a picture that current staffing levels provides enough coverage to residents and businesses in the city. Not when most residents are now feeling effects of both the Antioch City Council assault on the police department over the past two-years and an FBI-District Attorney investigation over text messages. You can’t have 35 sworn officers on administrative leave and expect the same level of service to be provided to the city—it makes no sense. All while the city has experience growth over the past decade.

Just drive through Antioch, you won’t see a police officer, let alone see anyone doing traffic enforcement.

It’s time for Chief Ford to lead from the front and begin telling people the truth about the impacts of staffing, impacts on business, traffic, to why police officers are not applying for the Antioch Police Department and begin sharing exit interviews (if approved by outgoing employees) so that Antioch can see what the problem is so it can then begin to be addressed.

Contrary to silo mentality, telling the truth actually works and helps people understand the problem.

Chief Ford, who is very smart, needs to understand Contra Costa County is not San Francisco. Instead, its time to take a lesson from former Chief Allan Cantando and begin to put in the work with the community and work with local media. Former Police Chief Tammany Brooks continued that concept. Meanwhile, look to leadership from Oakley Police Chief Paul Beard and provide maximum transparency to everyone. Beard and Cantando are not shy in telling the facts nor their opinions—I’d also add Brentwood Police Chief Tom Hansen started to take this position the last six months before retirement and people appreciated that Brentwood Police finally telling the truth about what and why things were transpiring. New San Ramon Police Chief Denton Carlson has done wonders for San Ramon transparency and tells it like it is. Talk with him about his style and why its working.

Antioch residents deserves to trust their police department. This is no knock on the officers on the streets putting in the work, but right now, I don’t even know residents can trust anything coming out from the police administration because its empty promises and false sense of securities. I know that is harsh, but also I hope I am wrong.

Antioch 2022 Crime

Between staffing and crime data, its not like things would get worse if Ford begins telling the truth given Antioch Total Part 1 Crime increased by 9.5% between 2021-2022.  This also comes as the State released its 2022 report which saw that the state’s violent crime rate increased by 6.1% since 2021, and property crime was up 6.2%… meanwhile, robberies jumped by 10.2%. With staffing levels, the 2023 data is beginning to look like it will be a real doozy.

Speaking of staffing levels, given the bonus thrown out by the city, its not helping recruit laterals which says a lot because with the number of openings, its a nice pay check, plus the police department would allow anyone to advance in their careers rather quickly–but still, Antioch cannot hire. The council has even admitted the $30k bonuses are not working.

Mr. Ford, its time to give the real reason why no one is applying to the City of Antioch.

It’s the environment created by the Mayor and majority city council. Its not the pay nor is it any investigation. No one wants to work at an agency where they are constantly attacked by a mayor or city council–this can be verified by asking any police officer if they would transfer to the Antioch Police Department. Ask any recently retired cop from Antioch what they think.

Until Chief Ford owns up to this, it will not be addressed.

At this point, the truth may hurt, but ignoring it with rhetoric makes the administration look silly when one highlights there are enough officers to ensure the city is protected and officers are coming soon–that is irresponsible leadership.

What is also irresponsible is not even having a conversation about bringing in the California Highway Patrol or Contra Costa County Sheriffs Office to assist. The fact that conversation has not even been discussed publicly, is embarrassing and highlights a head in the sand mentality of what is happening on the streets.

If anything over this past month is having things “under control” then I’d hate to see what out of control looks like.

Mike Burkholder
Publisher of ContraCosta.news
[email protected]

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M. Rose July 17, 2023 - 12:20 pm

I very much agree. Excellent opinion piece.

WPR July 17, 2023 - 12:49 pm

Well said Mike ! !
Look at aerial views of major Antioch intersections and you will see black tire marks from side show type activity. Exited highway 4 at Contra Loma and was stopped at the light when car exited freeway blew thru the red light and proceeded to spin 5 – 6 dough nuts then speed off. Bad actors are emboldened knowing number of APD on the streets is down and chances of apprehension are low.
It’s open season in Antioch for criminal activity.
A matter of time before a tender aged child is killed during ever increasing number of gun fights.
Plea deals and probation will not cure Antioch criminal activity.
DA needs to step up prosecutions and send a message by seeking long felony sentences.

Robert C. July 17, 2023 - 1:24 pm

You bring up some valid points. I would argue that the “head in the sand” mentality starts first and foremost with the mayor and certain members of the city council. Until that entity is significantly restructured, I’m not sure that anything can really change.

antioch citizen July 17, 2023 - 3:07 pm

“No one wants to work at an agency where they are constantly attacked by a mayor or city council…”
This may be true. but this is also a larger question on public trust of the police in general not only in Antioch, but in California and across the nation. Given the lack of accountability of the police dept in the past, the police need to win back the public trust. It’s a bit of catch 22.

Bonnie Jean July 17, 2023 - 3:12 pm

Mayor Thorpe, and I use that word tongue in cheek, got what he wanted more than anything, to ruin this city and its police department. Just like Trump wants to ruin America. Be careful Antioch

Mary July 17, 2023 - 3:17 pm

I believe a large part of Chief Fords problem is he works for the mayor. The mayor wants all communication to go through his office , so in many ways when it comes communication his hands are tied . I am a supporter of Ford but agree little is known about what actually goes on in our city . There is also no excuse for us to not be hiring officers for our town. There are positions available and I know there are officers willing to take the job . I have heard that many are not hired because they don’t fit the mold . We won’t know until they are given the chance .

Gypsy July 18, 2023 - 11:54 am

Well said. This attack on Chief Ford is uncalled for when the real problem starts with the mayor

Boomba July 19, 2023 - 2:11 pm

It isn’t so much as “they don’t fit the mold” it’s more like they cannot get through backgrounds and/or psychological screening. It isn’t just Antioch having difficulty finding cops, this is happening statewide. Given Antioch’s latest debacle with cops who shouldn’t have “fit the mold” to begin with, it’s not like it’s gonna be easy to backfill those positions.

Street Sweeper July 17, 2023 - 5:08 pm

This Police Chief or any other Police Chief under Thorpe, is in a no win situation. So Chief Ford might as well go all in and speak his mind and share the truth of Antiochs issues.

mike c July 17, 2023 - 9:58 pm

When will the mayor and city council be honest with the citizens ? Seems like they promote the violence and unrest in the city they were elected to protect.

Police Are Not The Problem July 18, 2023 - 12:36 pm

Right. Like police are the problem and not the lawless criminal conduct by crooks and felons running around the city. Great messaging and support for criminals and against the police has sent a clear message to lawbreakers.

Tressa Barrows July 18, 2023 - 8:05 am

No officer of the law wants to work in Dodge City.

W Willie July 18, 2023 - 9:52 am

Ford was hand picked by the mayor , just like the city manager who collected money for 6 months for doing nada.

Robert July 18, 2023 - 10:46 pm

In 07 i applied to the department glad i was turned down. I got a great job at another department and will retire the end of the year. The sad truth is with the laws the way they are you can’t do the job. No amount of money is worth being viewed as the bad guy or put in jail because you did do your job. Saying goodbye to the state i was born in was rough but its a mess now ans people keep voting in mor dumb laws.

allwashedup July 19, 2023 - 10:38 am

16 yrs and get to retire? Sweet deal

Boomba July 19, 2023 - 2:17 pm

Based upon your spelling it’s a good thing Antioch passed you up in 2007. I retired from APD in 2013, and I don’t recall a lot of hiring being done in 2007, the onset of the financial crash when all of the CSOs were laid off. Jim Hyde was the Chief then, and he made the wise choice of letting all of the CSOs go instead of what was on the table — laying off up to 8 police officers.

I don’t even think this newsource was in existence then (in 2007).

Boomba July 19, 2023 - 2:20 pm

@Robert — By the way, in 2007 APD didn’t have the problems they are having now, because we didn’t have the Neanderthals working that created this mess. Oh and by the way, the PD enjoyed great public support and it had NOTHING to do with the make-up of the council.

Bonnie Jean July 19, 2023 - 6:45 am

Who brought in the FBI.

W Wilie July 19, 2023 - 9:51 am

Don’t worry darling, the fbi is just looking for evidence on the “evil” orange man,(sarc)

W Wilie July 19, 2023 - 8:02 pm

Annnnnnd, he is gone.

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