Home » Antioch Mayor Claims Sideshows and Crime is Down

Antioch Mayor Claims Sideshows and Crime is Down

by CC News

Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe proclaimed during Tuesdays city council meeting that sideshows and crime were down while accusing members of the community of a double standard at the blame game.

The commentary came after several public comments blamed the city council for creating a “cesspool” environment and invited crime because criminals knew they would not get caught.

Thorpe called it a double standard because people never treated former mayors Jim Davis or Sean Wright like this or blamed them for crime, but are quick to blame a majority black council–he called it offensive.

Thorpe made all his comments without providing any data to back them up.

Mayors Comments:

“I want to remind the public for the last two years we have actually seen a reduction in large scale sideshows in this city because we have been proactive. Our proactive efforts were disseminated as a result of the racist text messages scandal. So, we have many issues who work to gather intelligence, I can’t tell you how or methods used, to gather intelligence to intervene. They have done a very good job of stopping sideshows from happening. Or, if we can’t stop them, it’s a sideshow detail where they are going to meet the individuals at where its going to happen and they are not going to make it to any intersection. So, we have been very good at shutting down sideshows, we have, ” explained Thorpe.

He continued.

“The reason we never brought back the spectator ordinance, which I had called for, was because we were doing so good and thought oh put it on the back burner. We will get to it when we can. But obviously we are at a point where we need it so that will be coming back,” said Thorpe. “I want to reiterate that sideshows have been reduced in the city and we have done a very good job of making sure they happen.”

He pointed out this did not include individuals who roam around in neighborhoods and spin tires or do donuts while stating the times he has caught people by taking pictures of license plates and turning them into police, most are not from Antioch—most recently kids from Fairfield.

“Antioch does have the maxim in terms of fines, the state sets those rules,” says Thorpe. “We have the maximum so we can’t go beyond what we currently have. Those fines are $3,000 when the car gets towed, a fine, we are at the max so we can’t add anymore too it.”

He then pointed out when you see these sideshows and don’t see Antioch police respond, that is inaccurate as police do respond with drones where they show up with drones, capture license plates  and then they show up—they do not catch them in the moment but they will eventually get caught and tow vehicles.

“I will continue to reiterate to the public you can come to Antioch with these sideshows all you want, we are going to end up finding you and you will be fined and will not be a happy camper because the fines are excessive in this city,” said Thorpe.  “I don’t want the sideshows to become the narrative of the city, I want to make sure Chief Vigil understands sideshows are very important in this community in terms of dismantling them so if we can get that proactive detail back up again that was doing the investigative work to find who is organizing these, that worked very well.”

Double Standard on Crime

Thorpe then responded to several public comments blaming the leadership for crime and sideshows in the city while stating the leadership has created a “cesspool” environment.”

Thorpe said it was absolutely insulting saying he has sat on this council for 6.5 years and had have never heard those comments that some people state “because of the leaderships there”.

“No one ever said that to Sean Wright, no one ever said that when it was a majority white city council. Whether that is the intent or implication I want you to hear my words. I just want you to hear my words, I am not saying it’s your intent to do that, but I want you to hear how I hear it and how it makes me feel. That the first time we have a majority black city council that it’s the leaderships’ fault that x, y & z is happening.  I’ve only been here 11-years, when I moved here in 2012 everybody talked about the need for more police, the second year, I just looked at the stats, was the highest year in terms of crime. No one sat here and said Jim Davis it is all your fault. I don’t remember anyone saying that, I never heard anyone saying Jim Davis it’s all your fault.,” said Thorpe. “Meanwhile, the last two years have been the lowest violent crime years in the last 10-years. Yet, somehow its so easy to come up here and make these accusations to people who give their time, that somehow we created a cesspool. I never even heard of sideshows until I moved to Antioch. I didn’t know people did that until I moved to Antioch. So I hope you hear my words, because I heard your words and how insulting that can be. How absolutely insulting.”


A sideshow occurring over the July 4 Holiday in the City of Antioch

Thorpe touched on several other issues:

  • Police Oversight Commission: Thorpe explained his goal is to have each councilmember participate in the first round of interviews and pick two community members – one over 18 and one under 18. He would then have a representative from one of the local civil rights organizations, possibly the NAACP to sit in the interview. They would then make the first recommendation and then Thorpe would make the final appointment.
  • Garbage Issues: shares in their concerns as he is having issues with his own garbage pickup. Republic Services say they are having staffing issues.
  • Social Servies: reiterated they are the only city to ramp up social services and created a Department of Public Safety and Community Resources while offering services for those most vulnerable in the community. Says they are one of the few cities being proactive with services that should generally come from the county “Over the years we have become very frustrated with the lack of services in Eastern Contra Costa County so we are the only city that said we are just going to have to do that”. He said he and Joy Motts worked on this for 2-years before the ribbon was cut for the homeless hotel.
  • Union Workers: says city is committed to union workers and fair wages. Says they are one of the few cities in Contra Costa County with a Project Labor Agreement.
  • County CORE Team: says he wants better coordination because when they do cleanups or move homeless he never sees the core team.

Editors Note:

Truly stunning commentary by a Mayor who has his head in the sand and fails to accept any responsibility for sideshows and crime–leaders accept blame, re-evaluate and improve. Instead, this guy deflects and continues to blame others.

As some who has lied over and over again, perhaps he forgot the treatment former Mayor Sean Wright received with protests at both his business and his home. Or the protests which Thorpe’s supporters, with him pointing out elected officials homes, they swarmed  former Councilmember Joy Motts and Antioch School Board Trustee Diane Gibson-Gray’s homes in protest. I don’t see anyone protesting at Thorpe’s place of work or home–he is full of it when he claims people blaming this council because they are an “all black council”. They are blaming this council because every council I have covered since 2010 have been blamed for crime–which they should own because that is the job of a city council and the policies and rhetoric they have used since 2020.

Thorpe wants to call out Jim Davis, fine. Davis had to deal with mass layoffs during the great recession, he had his fair share of blame after Antioch failed to reign in its budget quick enough when the economy turned under Don Freitas so perhaps the mayor should go take a history lesson.

As for crime being down. I’ve been over this, crime is not down, its simply underreported because Antioch Police do not have enough police officers to respond, take reports, and people give up reporting crime–especially businesses and thefts. Furthermore, there is a push to online reporting, people simply do not follow through. By the way, from a logical standpoint, violent crime is up across the state 6% — I highly doubt with a reduce police force that Antioch is somehow bucking the system given the amount of crime each week in the crime logs.

Sideshows being down? That is pretty comical and the black tire marks can speak for themselves.

Finally, lets be honest.  Every Mayor since 2010 has been blamed for crime, so has the council since the Great Recession because that is when Antioch Police were hit with major layoffs–its also been said since 2010 that Antioch needs 150 police officers, which they have never come close. For perspective, Antioch Police have 99 officers on the books today, and in 2010 with a lower population they had 104 officers which was at that time considered low. So crime clearly isn’t down because the math doesn’t work in terms of an increased population.

Just like any official, they can spin and deflect all they want, they no longer get away with lies and half truths to the public–Thorpe is no different. I will continue to call these people out when they speak at the dais.

Stories on Sideshows:

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Jiveass Honky August 9, 2023 - 9:15 am

According to pedo joe, da mayor is black. They both lie and get mad when you call them on the lies.

Trumptard August 9, 2023 - 11:02 am

Don’t forget about Serial Rapist, Domestic Terrorist and pathological liar Trump. But I do agree that this Mayor is like Trump, a pathological liar.

Frank August 9, 2023 - 9:40 am

The Mayor will resort to throwing out the race card when he has no other answers. It’s just that simple. The editors remarks are spot on, no report of crimes doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.

Tim August 9, 2023 - 10:38 am

Funny, I remember people in front of city hall protesting Mayor Wright after the whole George Floyd thing and leaving messages on the sidewalk accusing him of being complicit and racist. So yes, people blamed the previous Mayor for crimes that didn’t even happen in this city. Thorpe even had his fan club go harass Mayor Wright at his personal business.

WPR August 9, 2023 - 10:44 am

Has price been announced for that Bridge east of town?
So sideshows and crime are down how about telling that to woman critical injured last weekend W9th and G street.
48 vehicles stolen in one week and 259 reported vehicle thefts since May 28.
What about 70plus rounds fired turning downtown into a war zone.
One dead three injured wasn’t it?
What’s the Antioch body count so far this year?
Perhaps mayor is referring to years 2021 and 2022 that saw a 1,483 fewer Police reports written which can be attributed to less Police on the streets of Antioch and residents out of frustration no longer bothering to report crimes.
What happens next mayor will citizens start resolving crime matters themselves?

Why is he still mayor? August 9, 2023 - 11:05 am

Why hasn’t Thorpe been removed ? Is it prohibited somehow?

Missse August 9, 2023 - 11:13 am

In all fairness, should anyone take Thorpe seriously? He was probably drunk when he made these statements!!

simonpure August 9, 2023 - 12:29 pm

Been here 33 years and have never seen it this bad. The mayor is delusional.

Never Looked Worse August 10, 2023 - 9:36 am

Being a resident of Antioch for 32 years, I couldn’t agree with you more. It’s never been this bad or looked worse. The city is dirty, landscaping is unattended both in front of homes and city owned property, there are dilapidated, inoperable cars being stored in driveways, garbage cans line the front of homes like decorations, no absentee landlord oversight. graffiti and crime exist everywhere. I could go on, but the gist is that we’ve got real issues affecting our safety, home values and quality of life that aren’t being addressed, yet the priority of this council is to spend millions on homeless hotels and traffic calming measures.

LoveableCurmudgeon August 9, 2023 - 12:41 pm

Do you believe the Mayor, or your lyin’ eyes?

We Can All See You August 9, 2023 - 12:59 pm

Just proves over and over and over again why he shouldn’t be mayor of Antioch or any other city. He’s a petulant cry baby who doesn’t take responsibility for ANYTHING and continually let’s everyone know he’s black when we can clearly see for ourselves. Everyone across ALL ethnicities can see how ill equipped he is to lead. Everyone except him. This isn’t a black or white thing, it’s a leadership thing and Antioch should do everything in its power not to let this guy back in to further destroy what’s left of the city. He is not the example citizens can or should get behind.

Bonnie Jean August 9, 2023 - 5:33 pm

Don’t forget he can switch to Mexican when he wants to making him biracial and bilingual. And would love to be white.

TwoCents August 9, 2023 - 8:26 pm

I’ve heard him say I’m Mexican, not a black Mexican. Other times he refers to himself as just black. It all depends on the conversation and the story he wants to tell.

Myopic Not August 10, 2023 - 9:49 am

He’ll pander to either group to advance the narrative that he’s being attacked and that it’s an us against them scenario, which is kind of insulting on its face. People are individuals and have the ability to evaluate what’s important to them, regardless of their ethnicity which Thorpe doesn’t seem to get.

FOOS August 11, 2023 - 6:17 pm

Slideshows are all to common in Antioch. All you have to do is drive around our community and see for yourself. If you don’t have time to drive around, just listen. Nearly every night in our neighborhood you can hear drivers doing donuts or speeding up and down major roads. Many of the responsibles have a couple things in common, loud exhaust systems and the types of vehicles they drive. At the four-way stop intersection at Garrow and Mountaire the crosswalks are nearly obliterated, at the site of a memorial on Hillcrest morners stop to pay respects and then perform a sideshow as they leave. On Contry Hills nearly every intersection is covered by tire marks. I’m sorry mr mayor, sideshows are not down and major sideshows aren’t addressed in a timely manner and citizens of Antioch know why, we are short of police presence. Just a block from the PD is the sight of day and night sideshows, everyday and for months now. Complaining about crime to our leaders isn’t racist. More often the R Card represents Reality.

Robert C. August 9, 2023 - 3:33 pm

Mr. Thorpe continues to use the Donald Trump playbook: he makes blatantly false and unsupported statements and attacks anyone who criticizes his performance in office rather than offering any credible defense of his performance. And, of course, he continues to play the race card. It’s like listening to a recording played over and over.

duck August 10, 2023 - 9:55 am

it’s what libs like you vote for, isn’t it??

Robert C. August 10, 2023 - 11:00 am

You are reading something into my comment that isn’t there. I am pointing out how similar the BEHAVIOR of the left wing and the right wing is, even though their rhetoric may be different.

Jiveass honky August 11, 2023 - 5:27 pm

Somebody must have offered you a job during The TRUMP DAYS. Hurt your feelings. How dare they ask you to work.

Street Sweeper August 9, 2023 - 3:35 pm

Always with the race card LOL!

Veronica August 10, 2023 - 6:15 am

Are you blind or just a retard. I’ve lived here for over 25 urs and in the pass 2 yrs crime hasn’t been this bad not even in the mid 90s with the j team on sycamore. Face the fact u have no business being a major. If you want to add that your black so be it . U can’t even keep the homeless off the train tracks and those people just laugh at the city and rail road company while our home value go down and the safety of our family’s. I never had things so bad as they are now not even when there wasn’t many black family’s here the worse was the drugs but now we have that and a whole lot more.

Veronica August 10, 2023 - 6:26 am

What’s even funnier is we never had side shows be an issue you dumb ass wtf do yourself a favor and leave your making this city worse u need to be thrumped

Veronica August 10, 2023 - 6:35 am

Garbage issues funny they told me they hand the staff but not the trucks. Again no follow up and verify facts . All I know is my rates keep going up for stupid reasons and worse service I. All the 25 yrs at this home. Calling isn’t doing your job we all have called more then once . Gee major anyone can call and get a lie told to them . That’s why they call u because it hasn’t changed. Dauh

Enough is Enough August 10, 2023 - 10:05 am

This guy should be used as a perfect example as to why there should be some sort of psychiatric evaluation done on elected officials before they serve. Simply stating something one wishes was true does not make it true, and sticking to it as fact just proves insanity.

Stranger August 10, 2023 - 10:24 am

REBUBLIC COMPANY’S STAFF ARE BUSY PICKING UP OTHER TYPE OF GARBAGE. Every week I get a message from them apologizing that they will serve my area the next day. They are sorting the garbage. LOl

Melro August 10, 2023 - 10:55 am

My comment to the mayor would be simple: Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining!

WPR August 10, 2023 - 1:44 pm

Poor me, poor me, poor me, POUR ME

Paulette August 10, 2023 - 11:28 pm

No more wondering where the blind are! This thread is an embarrassment to the morals of this country! If you all are so unhappy with this mayor what your issue run for the office implement your guarantee solutions! Unfortunately many many many stand with him because of the statements he made are so very true! I’ve been here 23 years and this is the language that has prevented outstanding candidates from considering an office in Antioch! It’s Sad you good folks don’t see that yes Antioch growing pains is indeed part your fault!

No Shame and Not Blind August 11, 2023 - 7:45 am

Paulette if you think Thorpe is doing such a great job and speaking “truth”, then continue to stand with him. When he has successfully alienated the rest of the police force by bashing all and there’s no one left to respond to service calls, made Antioch the social services hub of east county and your tax dollars is depleted for those services, welcomed even more criminals by marching with them and questioning all cops, both good and bad because he makes no distinction, I hope you remember your complicit statement. Oh and when you can’t sell your house, because there’s no value in it, remember that too. I’ve lived here for 32 years and by far, he’s the absolute worst when it comes to leadership. I have zero shame in saying that or being clear and seeing clearly that Antioch deserves better.

Robert C. August 11, 2023 - 9:52 am

Mr, Thorpe is indeed a prolific source of “statements” as you put it. But it takes more than making statements to be an effective mayor or councilmember; it takes rational ACTIONS. So far, those have been in short supply with this mayor and council.

Rob-S August 10, 2023 - 11:45 pm

What a piece of work Thorpe is. Playing the race card is way over used, something he does regularly.

Question: Why hasn’t someone or some group started a RECALL THORPE EFFORT ??!!

Dave August 11, 2023 - 2:10 am

Thorp is as much thug as the thugs on the streets. And yes our home values are in the toilet tks thorp and city council.

MEV August 11, 2023 - 5:08 am

I would love to show up at meetings but don’t feel safe going down there or anywhere in Antioch or Pittsburg any longer even during the day. Meetings used to be available to watch through Xfinity or through Antioch website but haven’t watched them either because it is too frustrating especially given the amount of property taxes we all pay for nothing and continuing escalation in the cost of water, garbage and PG&E brought on by greedy politicians.

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