Home » Recruitment Firms Declining to Work with City of Antioch

Recruitment Firms Declining to Work with City of Antioch

by CC News
City of Antioch

The City of Antioch is currently recruiting a city manager and police chief, however, many are now asking what is taking so long.

The questions from the public came after commentary by Mayor Pro Tem Tamisha Torres-Walker and Councilmembers Mike Barbanica and Lori Ogorchock  at its last council meeting when Torres-Walker stated they were not even close to hiring a city manager.

Meanwhile, at its August meeting Mayor Lamar Thorpe let it slip they were close to hiring an interim police chief and so they needed to change timelines on a policy for the council to take control of hiring/firing the police chief–which ultimately failed during the second reading of the policy.  — however, with it being October, there is still no police chief hire announced.

According to multiple sources who wish to remain anonymous within the city of Antioch, its being said that outside firms simply do not want to work with the City of Antioch because they do not want to ruin their credibility to place candidates within the city under the current city council and ruin careers.

The same sources all confirmed it had to do with Mayor Lamar Thorpe but they did not want to go into any other details.

It took a public records request to confirm that at least two firms, through email, have politely declined to work with the city of Antioch. The City of Antioch reached out to two other firms and have not received a response.

According to an email chain, on July 25, the Antioch Human Resources Department reached out to Peckham & McKenney to inquire about recruiting services to conduct the search of a Police Chief and other executive level positions.

In a response, Peckham & McKenney said, “Thanks.  I checked with our team and I’m not sure we could do the search at this time; however, please send us the RFP anyway. We see that there is a lot going on there.  I left you a voicemail.  I’d be interested in hearing as it affects a search.”

Another firm, Bob Murray & Associates, responded to the City of Antioch stating, “ Good afternoon Ana:  Thank you for the opportunity, however Bob Murray & Associates is currently at recruitment capacity and will not be sending a response to this request for a bid. Please keep us in the loop on any future opportunities.”

It’s been stated recently by councilmembers that Antioch currently has more than 80 open positions within the city.

Antioch City Councilmember Mike Barbanica confirmed they are having trouble hiring people for the city.

“Elections have consequences,” said Barbaica. “We are seeing firsthand the results of the last three years. I had a key department head come to me as they were leaving saying if the majority of the city council does not change you are going to lose every department head. They were simply just asking me for help.”

Antioch City Manager

Former City Manager Cornelius Johnson was placed on administrative leave as of March 14 and formally resigned effective July 14.  Johnson was hired with a questionable background, no national search, application process or internal candidates considered. It was announced Johnson was hired as interim city manager in December of 2021 before being formally hired as permanent city manager in September 2022.

Under this city council, once they name a new city manager/or hire someone, it could be the 6th city manager under this city council.

  • Ron Bernal (retired)
  • Cornelius Johnson – on paid administrative leave
  • Ana Cortez – acting for a few days.
  • Forrest Ebbs – acting (left for city of Modesto)
  • Kwame Reed – acting

Note – Antioch had its replacement for Bernal when it hired Rosanna Bayon Moore as its assistant city manager. However, City of Piedmont hired Rosanna Bayon Moore as its City Administrator in February as the council was set to hire Johnson without a formal process.

Antioch Police Chief

The city clerks office responded to a public records request stating that as of Monday, the had 3 interim Antioch Police Department police chief candidates and 1 is going through the background process.

Its unclear if they have even started the search for a permanent police chief hire.

The search for a police chief began in mid-July after Chief Steve Ford announced he was retiring.  Ford was hired as interim police chief in April 2022 and was named permanent chief effective October,  2022. Former police chief Tammany Brooks retired in September of 2021.

Acting Captain Joseph Vigil was named Acting Chief effective Aug. 12.

According to a recent presentation by the Antioch Police Department, the police department has 115 authorized positions with 95 positions filled. However, only 44 of those positions are in service.

While police recruitment applications are up for “rookie cops”, Antioch has only had 1 lateral hire since approving an increased $30k hiring bonus program.

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MODERATE October 17, 2023 - 8:28 am

To sum up, then, it’s “business as usual.” The only hope for eventually turning this city government around is for voters to get their brooms out and keep them out until the current regime is gone.

PattyOfurniture October 17, 2023 - 9:56 am

The senseless will never willingly vote for sensibility. Once the grift settles in it doesn’t go away, no matter how hard you vote.

Actions and Reputation Matter October 17, 2023 - 8:31 am

This is what happens when a poor reputation precedes you.

Jiveass honky October 17, 2023 - 9:28 am

When did Yoch town begin its slide into the crap house? A person could say , but then you would be labeled as a racist.

Street Sweeper October 17, 2023 - 11:08 am

Dumpster fire!!!

When a business doesn’t want your money, its time to seriously reflect on yourself.

Can't Blame Them October 17, 2023 - 11:40 am

Why would anyone want to be associated with the City of Antioch under its current leadership. The Mayor and most City Council Members have failed their constituents in a spectacular way. Antioch is way over due to clean house.

Arne October 17, 2023 - 1:42 pm

I know the professional recruiters, and I can fully understand why they would not respond to a “Request for Proposal” from the City’s HR Department.

WPR October 17, 2023 - 3:23 pm

“Antioch currently has more than 80 open positions within the city”
If city is functioning how many positions could be eliminated?
“We are seeing firsthand the results of the last three years. I had a key department head come to me as they were leaving saying if the majority of the city council does not change you are going to lose every department head.”
Voters do you realize how badly you screwed up last election?
Considering having Antioch on a resume is such a negative a $30k police hiring bonus probably needs to be doubled.
An when will ‘Woke on The Delta’ mini series begin production?

Savanna October 17, 2023 - 4:48 pm

The city of Antioch is full of people who do nothing but spread hate from the sidelines, who are not actively involved or part of the growth, change or development of this city. Meanwhile, they spread rumors and highlight the stories that make the city seem lawless and unhinged. It’s become redundant and quite annoying. This article isn’t even news, it’s part of divisive, hateful rhetoric, in order to demean the people who are working for a better outcome for the city, who happen to be black/brown and who came into an office/city already facing problems from racism, education, violence and homelessness. The haters of Antioch have contributed to this dysfunction and outcome.

CC News October 17, 2023 - 6:00 pm

Ya, because getting the emails isn’t news. In fact, the entire community should be aware of what is not getting done–that doesn’t make it hateful or racist. The emails from the recruiters speak for itself. Sorry you can’t see that.

Citizens Want Results October 17, 2023 - 7:14 pm

I think what’s really interesting is how people want to ignore the truth about what’s happening in this city and continue to paint citizen dissatisfaction as a racial issue. Number 1, it’s not true and 2, it doesn’t solve anything. Thorpe and his voting block have failed this city, changed and adversely affected how citizens feel about living in the city and how others view the city. It’s not an us versus them proposition because of skin color. Many black and brown people are just as dissatisfied as others who see how the city has declined. People want to see positive results, impactful changes implemented to address the deficits we see all around us, effective leadership that is focused on making Antioch better, safer/cleaner and sensible spending – no matter who’s in charge.

TwoCents October 17, 2023 - 7:53 pm

If Antioch had is so racist why move here. Maybe the majority of citizens don’t like the policy’s of the 3-2 vote and are speaking out because of their failure to vote at all or correctly. You realize the current council majority didn’t win by a landslide. There was a very low voter turnout. There is lawlessness going on in the city. Open your eyes and read some more. The truth isn’t hard to find.

WPR October 17, 2023 - 8:45 pm

“lawless and unhinged.”
Facts is facts.
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Updated: 1 Dead, 6 Wounded in Sunday Morning Shooting in Antioch
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When out for a walk you avoid stepping in dog excrement it is common sense.
Can not blame recruiting firms for wanting to keep their shoes clean.

Stop burying your head in the sand. October 18, 2023 - 8:54 am

Savanna, no one is buying your narrative any longer. Not only am I of color, but I supported Torres-Walker at one time. But enough is enough. Our failed leadership has left the city in ruins. Our property values are dismal compared to our neighbors in Brentwood and Oakley. We have a terrible reputation all over California. We’re constantly in the news for the rampant crime and chaos. Perhaps your blindness and ignorance to what’s happening around us is what deserves a little self-reflection? Your decision to only vote based on skin color, regardless of their colossal failures is in itself Racist. Get it together lady, cause no one else is buying your nonsense.

MODERATE October 17, 2023 - 6:15 pm

I beg to differ. Reporting on the recruitment process is NOT “hateful rhetoric.” It is factual and important news, especially since this city council is so lacking in its commitment to open government and public communication.

Street Sweeper October 17, 2023 - 6:22 pm

I was surprised it took that long for someone to pull the R card.

FOOS October 23, 2023 - 12:08 pm

The R (race card) is being played to hide the real R card. “Reality.” Antioch is the armpit of East County, plain pure and simple. The simple fact that headhunters don’t want their names associated with any recruitment is telling. Additionally, 80 open positions in the city is unheard of. No one wants to work here and Council must step up and take responsibility for this. Antioch voters will need to change the way they vote. We can no longer vote for someone because of name recognition and certainly not based on ethnicity. We must seek candidates who put Antioch first and have backgrounds in leadership and business. Unfortunately dividing Antioch into districts hasn’t been beneficial for the city. It too easy for a candidate to ignore complaints outside their respective districts and point the finger at another Council member. Members must be united in order to turn Antioch around. Three to two votes aren’t going to get it done.

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