Home » Podcast: Ron Bernal Runs for Mayor of Antioch

Podcast: Ron Bernal Runs for Mayor of Antioch

by CC News
Ron Bernal for Mayor

On this episode, former Antioch City Manager and mayoral candidate Ron Bernal talks about his campaign and his vision for the city. His motto is change begins today and government people can trust by unifying the city, the people and the area. Bernal shares crime is by far the number one topic and needs to be addressed. He also shares the need to have a strong city manager that can help hire and retain staff do the work for the community. We get into a variety of other topics from homelessness and blight to what could be done on Wilbur and support economic development and local businesses in the city. I also ask Ron Bernal if he is too nice for the job and how he would better work with the school district and improve on youth services. He also is a fan of transparency and addresses the “bloggers”.

For more on his campaign, visit him at www.ronbernal.org

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George March 11, 2024 - 1:24 pm

Right On! I like his vision.

Street Sweeper March 11, 2024 - 7:57 pm

Antioch needs this guy running that city.

Arne March 12, 2024 - 2:13 am

This was a great interview with Ron Bernal. That is the Ron Bernal that I knew when I was the Cuty Clerk, that I could walk into his office as City Manager and have great discussions. Antioch needs Ron as our Mayor to make ” Change happens tiday”

Rob-S March 12, 2024 - 10:38 am

Very encouraging!

Sam March 12, 2024 - 5:04 pm

I don’t know why you gotta make everything about you. That’s why you’re a blogger and not a journalist.

CC News March 12, 2024 - 6:36 pm

First time ever listening to a podcast… its called back and forth. Good luck in life “Sam”. Next time, use that real name of yours.

Ralph A. Hernandez March 12, 2024 - 5:39 pm

Ron Bernal is not Antioch’s future savior, as he was not before as a past Antioch City Manager! Look at what occurred to our community when he was the City Manager, which has not been connected to his then leadership.
Crime actually increased, the Police staffing levels were deplorable, he advocated for more tax increases, he let and recommended more employee increased salaries and benefits, he advocated for more unsustainable growth, he did not push for or require for Administrative investigations or inquiries (per or City’s regulations), he passed the buck on employee serious misconduct matters, on, on, on, and again!
THAT is someone who has failed before and will obviously do so again if given the chance. Is he like our current situational Mayor? YES! And I have openly at various City Council meetings in the past also criticized our current Mayor Thorpe many a time similarly.
Ron may be a nice guy, I have said before too, but definitely is wrong for the Mayorship! There is plenty of time for others to step up as candidates who could fill the position more admirally.
Oh the recently discovered Antioch Police texting and crimes scandal misconduct matters also continued during his administration also! He even allowed some of the Police wrongdoer to be awarded via his inaction, their upward promotions, and eventual costly retirements.
Ron Bernal is not the right one for our City’s Mayorship! Check it out for yourselves.

TwoCents March 12, 2024 - 8:09 pm

Just tell us how a city manager has the authority to see the text messages of the police officer outside an official investigation? No supervisor or city council have the authority to monitor personal text messages of city employees because it’s illegal. Supervisors don’t know the lives of their subordinates 24/7 unless someone shows evidence of possible criminal activity. People can guess their co-workers are racist or whatever they want to think but it’s only a feeling or assumption without EVIDENCE! No one who has the potential to win will run. You choose, dictator Thorpe or Bernal. Dictator Thorpe should never be elected as a public official again!

Concerned D4 Resident March 15, 2024 - 11:22 am

Ralph, sit this one out. Please. Antioch needs 1 candidate to run against Lamar, only 1. Don’t get any grand ideas about throwing your name into this election.

You’re absolutely wrong about police staffing. Antioch was fully staffed in early 2021. Numbers began to fall dramatically after Ron left, due to the investigations, retirements, and laterals not wanting to work under this council.

No hate, but you sat in a living room with Phillip Garrido when he was still holding Jaycee Duggard captive and had no idea what was going on right in front of you. It seems even retired cops miss some pretty egregious things.

Sit this out. Support Ron or stay quiet.

claire March 13, 2024 - 11:35 am

The interviewer asks the questions the listeners want to ask. Great podcast!

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