Home » Podcast: Kevin Wilk Talks Antisemitic Speech During Walnut Creek City Council Meeting

Podcast: Kevin Wilk Talks Antisemitic Speech During Walnut Creek City Council Meeting

by CC News
Kevin Wilk

On this episode, a chat with Walnut Creek City Councilmember Kevin Wilk who was subjected Tuesday night to an antisemitic rant with a man attacking Jews and stating “white power” during public comments. While at the microphone, his shirt was exposing a swastika.

We get into several other incidents which Walnut Creek has had occur, along with neighboring cities having similar issues. We get into public comments and zoom bombing with hate speech. Should the Jewish community speak out and add oxygen to the topic or ignore it. What can people do to stop spreading hate speech. We talk about the importance of Bay Area Network of Jewish Officials (BANJO). Meanwhile, Wilk gives his perspective on several other items in hopes of working to bring people together.


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