Home » Fire at Apartment Complex Prompts Arson Arrest in Brentwood

Fire at Apartment Complex Prompts Arson Arrest in Brentwood

by CC News

A fire at an apartment complex in the City of Brentwood prompted an arson arrest by Brentwood Police Friday afternoon.

At approximently 3:50 pm Friday, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District firefighters responded to a report of a fire at the very at Town Centre Apartments on Brentwood Blvd. in Brentwood. Fire crews arrived on scene and deemed it a working fire and by 4:03 pm the fire was knocked down.

According to Battalion Chief Gil Guerrero where an occupant of a residence heard a commotion below and shortly after started smelling smoke and called 9-1-1.

“When crews arrived they saw smoke and flames and made an aggressive fire attack limiting the damage to a single unit,” stated Guerrero. “We have one adult male who was arrested and in custody by Brentwood Police and the CONFIRE fire investigator.”

According to preliminary information, the fire started in a bathroom and the “banging noise” that was heard was approximently 10 minutes before a person smelled the smoke and called for help. A source on scene said the male arrested has had police contact before after they had called the police department before on a disturbing the peace call.

The suspects name was not released and no injuries were reported in the incident.

Art Ray of Bay News Video contributed to this report

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