Home » Antioch Councilmember Proposes Paid Parking at Antioch Marina

Antioch Councilmember Proposes Paid Parking at Antioch Marina

by CC News
Antioch Police

On Tuesday, Antioch Mayor Pro Tem Tamisha Torres-Walker requested the council bring back a discussion for paid parking and security at the Antioch Marina.

Torres-Walker gave no other information within her request, how much the parking should be or who it would apply to, or ideas around security.

Last December, the Antioch City Council discussed the idea of hiring a private security firm in the downtown area, but have not taken any action–even after a fatal shooting, continued theft and shoplifting, vandalism, and multiple sideshows have occurred.

Along with the request for charging for parking, here are several other request Torres-Walker made during the November 28 meeting.

“I would like to see another update of the six-month request list for agenda items requested by council members,” stated Walker. “What I would like to see come back as soon as January is a just cause for eviction ordinance… people continue to be evicted without just cause and we committed as a city council to prevent homelessness and one way to prevent homelessness is to keep people housed. We can no longer drag our feet. We need to move this forward as quick as we can as people have been waiting for more than three years for us to do this.”

Torres-Walker also requested:

  • Waiving all development fees for developers building houses under 60% AMI to meet affordable housing needs.
  • Council to discuss possible acquisition for the Golf & Games for purposes of community services and unhoused
  • Request Tri Delta Transit to do a presentation on routes throughout the city to improve transportation to residents.
  • Paid parking and security in the marina.

Also under future agenda items, Councilmember Mike Barbanica asked when the ordinance for the smoke shops would return—citing the intent was always to be able to will their property, will their business, sell their business and it didn’t make it into the ordinance while saying its been requested three times and was now a formal ask.

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Jimbo December 2, 2023 - 6:49 am

Torres-Walker is out of touch with Antioch. Vote her out people. Nobody is going to pay to park at the Antioch marina so way to go in driving people further out of Antioch and thus hurting local business.

Frank December 2, 2023 - 9:04 am

Last time they had a launch fee someone destroyed the box. Only responsible people would pay and the thugs would just smoke their weed and block the ramps. Maybe she should find a way to charge onlookers for sideshows.

MODERATE December 2, 2023 - 10:55 am

What the Council SHOULD be discussing, as a matter of the highest priority, is rebuilding APD back to what it should be.

WPR December 2, 2023 - 5:34 pm

Smaller houses on tiny lots contributed to downfall of Antioch.
Results in lower property tax revenue leaving no cushion in event of an economic downturn.
STOP catering to developers or would that effect campaign contributions?

Street Sweeper December 2, 2023 - 7:35 pm

Will the “unhoused” also be required to pay for parking their tents, shopping carts, trash and feces?

The most incompetent council member. December 2, 2023 - 8:32 pm

Torrezwalker is completely incompetent. She and her family are a great example of all that is wrong in Antioch. Only Lamont Thorpe is more unqualified and lacks the ethical fiber to be in positions of leadership.

FOOS December 2, 2023 - 10:29 pm

I assume our feckless Council woman is suggesting a launch fee not a parking fee. In either case it’s idiotic. If it is in fact a launch fee, remember folks, Antioch has always had a free boat launch, at least the last 60 years. Fact is the old launch on Fulton Shipyard Road was better in that it didn’t get fouled with hyacinth and become unusable. If you want to see what a well maintained and safe boat launch looks like, look no further than Pittsburg. And it’s FREE. Many Antioch residents drive to Pittsburg to launch. You won’t find evidence of side show activity everywhere, the launch is free of glass and trash, it is posted boat parking only and you won’t find jerks blocking the launch staging area or the ramps. Pittsburg does it right folks. Secondly, as far as purchasing Golf and Games for community services and homeless, absolutely not. The more services we provide the more vagrants flock to our city. All you have to do is look at what is happening on our southern border. The more they give the more come. Antioch needs to make it uncomfortable for vagrants to come here. The vast majority of tax paying and property owners that live here don’t want more vagrants in our community. If out mayor pro tem has any doubts I would suggest she spends more time on SeeClickFix rather than making ridiculous proposals that only serve to drive more homeowners and businesses out of Antioch. Wake up Tamisha.

Mathew D. December 3, 2023 - 4:59 am

All these dumb commenters. Heck yea! Charge a fee to park there. People who don’t pay are losers who are probably up to no good anyways.

Street Sweeper December 3, 2023 - 8:56 am

Heck, yea! Congrats, you won the prize for the most stupid comment yet!

lemon head December 3, 2023 - 8:01 am

she is right on the money! no pun intended, I think a fee of $15 would be just about right, also they should start charging you sheep a yearly fee for every gun you own, maybe every fishing pole.

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