Home » Firefighters Rescue Man and Dog from 2-Alarm House Fire in Antioch

Firefighters Rescue Man and Dog from 2-Alarm House Fire in Antioch

by CC News
Contra Costa Fire

At 4:48 am Saturday, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District firefighters responded to a house on fire in the City of Antioch.

Crews responded to the 1400 block of Saint Frances Drive on a report of smoke and flames from the home. While responding, CONFIRE observed a column of smoke and arrived to heavy smoke and flames coming from the roof and requested a second alarm response. They were also in rescue mode after it was suspected occupants may still be inside.

While crews mobilized, it was reported the fire made its way into the attic and flames were going through the roof, however, four occupants of the home made it outside.

While crews were working the incident, it was reported the garage was fully involved, there was a partial collapse of the roof and fire in the attack.

By 5:00 am, crews were made aware of a male who ran into the home to rescue a dog, crews quickly located him in a backroom and pulled the male and the dog from the home– the male was transported to an area hospital as a precaution even after he was able to walk from the back of the home.

By 5:05 am, the 2nd alarm response was cancelled and the body of the fire was knocked down.

According to Contra Costa County Fire, there were no working smoke alarms present, cause under investigation.

This was the second major fire Saturday morning as crews responded to a commercial structure fire in the downtown area at 12:35 am. This fire occurred at a vacant warehouse in the City of Antioch. This is at least the third known time in 2023 crews have responded to this building.

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Street Sweeper December 16, 2023 - 10:09 am

So the guy saved the dog, not the firefighters. 🤔

GetALife December 16, 2023 - 4:27 pm

No, the firefighter crews quickly located him in a backroom and pulled the male and the dog from the home.

Street Sweeper December 16, 2023 - 9:18 pm

Learn to read.

GetALife December 17, 2023 - 5:09 pm

Your comments are always so pleasant on his site.

Street Sweeper December 18, 2023 - 9:48 am

Sorry that you live in a bubble of unicorns and rainbows. I see real life every single day. Obviously I live in your head space, since you took the time to comment to me twice.

FOOS December 18, 2023 - 5:38 pm

It’s a great day when a life is saved. My concern is the mention of the warehouse fire. Any thinking person knows what the cause of that fire was, VAGRANTS. The city knows they are there yet it takes a fire for them to be evicted then they ed up in our neighborhoods. What would the headlines be if God forbid a firefighter lost his or her life? Firefighter looses life fighting a warehouse fire in Antioch. There would be no mention that the city neglected to clear out vagrants or that property owners refused to evict vagrants. Council, do your jobs. Time to kick vagrants out of Antioch. FOOS

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