Home » Contra Costa Firefighters Battling 4-Alarm Fire in Pittsburg

Contra Costa Firefighters Battling 4-Alarm Fire in Pittsburg

by CC News
Pittsburg Fire

The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District is working a 4-alarm commercial structure fire in the 300 block of E 10th Street in the City of Pittsburg.

The Fire broke out at 4:28 am Saturday with smoke and flames coming from a building, potential y the old car dealership building. With heavy smoke and flames, crews who entered the building were pulled out due to safety concerns and building collapse.

It then became a defensive fire attack.

By 5:20 am, a 3rd alarm response was requested and they were still in defensive fire attack. They were also setting up a water tower on 9th Street.

By 5:49 am, it was reported that fire was still running the walls of the building and they were beginning to get ceiling collapse. Pittsburg Police was also requested to shut down a portion of 9th Street to allow water operations to occur.

As of 5:52 am, crews called for a 4th alarm response.

As of 6:58 am, the fire was under control.

Pittbsurg Police is also on scene providing traffic control. With the number of engines on scene and responding, the area is shutdown as crews work the incident. AMR is also on scene.

Pittsburg Fire

Credit: Abe Guerrero

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RayMcFroggy August 12, 2023 - 7:09 am

I mean “Unhoused citizens “?

Boomba August 13, 2023 - 9:51 am

“Bum Fire”

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