Home Ā» Tamisha Torres-Walker to Run for Mayor of Antioch?

Tamisha Torres-Walker to Run for Mayor of Antioch?

By Mike Burkholder

by CC News

The Antioch Mayoral race could get more complex after Councilmember Tamisha Torres-Walker hints she may throw her name in the hat.

On Friday, Councilwoman Torres-Walker took to social media with a cryptic message leaving many to believe she is running for mayor after posting the hashtag #Tamisha4Antioch2024 while also listing what she claims has her many accomplishments.

Perhaps she is fed up with lip service from current Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe or tired of him not placing her and other councilmembers requested agenda items on an agenda in a timely fashion. Or maybe Torres-Walker did not appreciate the mayors open mic on March 18 where if the Antioch Police Oversight Commission failed it was due to Torres-Walker.

After successfully earning re-election in District 1 by a total of 4 votes in November 2022, she would be running for mayor from a “safe seat” and if she did not win the mayors seat, she would still remain on the city council to push forward her agenda items.

Currently, the only known candidates confirmed to run for mayor Hernandez-Thorpe who is seeking re-election and former city manager Ron Bernal launched his campaign.

As of Monday morning, Torres-Walker has not confirmed if she is running or not, but it certainly has people talking.


Ā Here is what Torres-Walker posted on Friday, March 29:

People will find nothing and turn it into something because they hate that you are winning at their game.

When I ran for office in 2020 I committed to working hard and I have !! There is still more to do and we have to acknowledge the wins along the way.

Priority co-governance wins between 2020 and early 2024 have been:

Currently advocating for County Measure X dollars to go towards a youth and young adult center in Antioch

Currently fighting for an African American Wellness Center in Contra Costa County with a focus on meeting the needs of Antioch residents historically impacted by anti-blackness.

Advocated for and co-authored with APD policies for Police-worn body cameras and dash cameras for the Antioch Police Department

Fought for the establishment of the city’s new Department of Public Safety and Community Resources in Antioch

Brought 1.8 million in California Violence Intervention and Prevention Act funding for gun violence prevention to the city of Antioch

Fought to establish Antioch’s first Police Civilian Oversight Committee

Pushing for and co-authored with APD a policy to ban chokeholds that cause asphyxiation in Antioch

Supported Antioch’s first Community crisis response team

Supported bridge housing for unhoused residents in Antioch and still advocating for permanent transitional housing options with supportive services

Advocated for tenant protections (rent stabilization, anti-tenant harassment, and just cause for eviction) in Antioch

And much much more.


Split Votes Change Outcomes / So Does Ballot Harvesting

In the 2022 election, Torres-Walker defeated Joy Motts in the District 1 race after a recount was requested by Motts due to the two being separated by just 3 votes. By late December, Torres-Walker won the race by a total of 4-votes.

Torres-Walker also had the luxury of seeing Motts (1,463) and Diane Gibson-Gray (1,338) splitting community votes allowing her win the race. Had either Motts or Gibson-Gray dropped out, Torres-Walker would have likely lost in a landslide.

In this race, the Contra Costa County elections had to remind residents who were complaining about certain votes being counted that ā€œBallot Harvestingā€ is legal. County elections said a total of 14 people had used Antioch City Hall for its address allowing them to vote in the District 1 election.

Brown Act Violations?

The announcement also comes as the Contra Costa County District Attorneyā€™s Office investigated Brown Act Violations regarding Mayor Hernandez-Thorpe, and Councilmembers Torres-Walker and Monica Wilson resulting from secret meetings in privateā€”from staff hiring/firing to redistricting the cityā€™s electoral map. The District Attorneyā€™s Office has sent the information to the Contra Costa County Grand Jury to review. A letter to the city was dated Jan 4.

Will Body Camera Footage Ever be Released?

Stemming from an October 2021 event, the City of Antioch has declined on multiple occasions to release Antioch Police Department body camera footage that occurred in front of Torres-Walkers home after gunshots were fired.

Its not exactly clear what occurred in the video, but the city is refusing to release it and have denied multiple public records requests.

The incident occurred on Oct. 3, 2021 when police responded to noise complaints and shots firedā€”police located several casings in front of her home. Police said they were met by what appeared to be an intoxicated homeowner (Torres-Walker) who refused to cooperate while stating ā€œAntioch Police could not be trustedā€. Ultimately, she was charged with a Misdemeanor, a violation of PC148(a)(1), Resist, Obstruct, Delay Of Peace Officer Or EMT.

On Sept. 1, 2022, the Contra Costa County District Attorneyā€™s Office announced they dismissed the case while citing in the Interest of Justice or Furtherance of Justice (PC 1385).

The District Attorneyā€™s Office has offered no reason or comment on the incident.

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Street Sweeper April 1, 2024 - 8:38 am

Holy Sh@t!!!

If you Antiochers think you have it bad now, the worst is yet to come!! Suddenly Lathorpe Gomez is looking good, šŸ¤£

Deborah Amaral April 1, 2024 - 10:33 am

We have another option. The guy who was city manager. Hopefully no one will vote for her

Bill Moon April 1, 2024 - 8:47 am

She hasn’t done a damn thing for Antioch except make it worse.

Jiveass honky April 1, 2024 - 9:38 am

What police chief would allow the arrest of a mayor’s children for fear of being fired. Da race card would be out constantly.

MODERATE April 1, 2024 - 9:27 am

The list of “wins” is quite comical: note the repeated use of the phrases “advocated for,” “pushed for,” “fought for,” etc. Very few actual accomplishments. It does indeed appear that the Wilson/Torres-Walker honeymoon with Thorpe is over.

Carly April 1, 2024 - 11:10 pm

That wasn’t the mayor’s children,they were TAMISHAS kids….she don’t even want security in the school he’ll bc HER kids attend them šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£ she is WORTHLESS

Ha....ha....ha! April 1, 2024 - 9:52 am

I don’t care if she changes her name to: Torres-Walker Smith Khan Lee, I will never vote for her. Antioch has been trashed enough by these incompetent council members.

TwoCents April 1, 2024 - 10:00 am

Tamisha and Lamar, two gifts who keep giving. It will be relief to hear when Ron Bernal is elected the Mayor of Antioch and the insanity stops.

Criminal April 1, 2024 - 10:28 am

Isnt she a convicted felon?

Michelle April 1, 2024 - 11:35 am

Yes she is a convicted felon. She went to an apartment building that she was evic from in the middle of the night kicked in the door and started not just one fire but two fires as people slept in the other apartments. Thank God a young boy just happened to wake up to use the bathroom or whatever or they could have all died. When she went on her rant and she said she would “burn down the city of Antioch don’t you know who I am and I’m not talking about being city council member” she was referring to the fires she set.

Frank April 1, 2024 - 11:53 am

This has to be an April fools joke. Just think of her riding an ATV to a council meeting or even better yet having a meeting in the round (sideshow). Press conference would be cool with her drunk and cusing, the sensor would be the busiest person. Like I said April Fools, fool.

TwoCents April 1, 2024 - 12:14 pm

Donā€™t assume Ron Bernal will win easily. He needs to win by a landslide. If you really want the city to improve more than 60% of Yochers need to vote like your life depends on it.

Unbelievable April 1, 2024 - 7:50 pm

And people thought it couldnā€™t get any worse than Lamont Thorpe!!! Hilarious! This broad is a criminal and the poster child of everything that wrong in Antioch.

I'm in the Red Celica April 1, 2024 - 9:52 pm

Our way of life does depend on this VOTE.
I hope Ron Bernal understands these people dont play fair. They aren’t
Nice. They have little to no regard
for rules or laws. And Will Always Be the First to Bring Up Race weather it has anything to do with anything or not. What TTW doesn’t realize is most people
in Antioch work. And they just want to live in peace. They don’t want sideshows or high crime rates and bligh.

Absolutely ***NO*** April 2, 2024 - 12:34 am

Both unbelievable and unacceptable! Just do NOT vote vote for her!!

homer April 2, 2024 - 7:19 am

nothing in the news here about the sideshow on lone tree?

Boomba April 10, 2024 - 5:44 am

Oh help us all if this twit of the year gets elected Mayor.

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