Home » Martinez to Talk 6% Water Rate Increase Each Year Through 2029

Martinez to Talk 6% Water Rate Increase Each Year Through 2029

by CC News
Water Bill

On Wednesday, the Martinez City Council will discuss a water rate increase beginning Fiscal Year 2025 and continue through Fiscal Year 2029 where residents will see a average bill increase of approximately 6% per year.

Title: Conduct a Public Hearing on the Proposed Water Service Rate Adjustments and Adopt Resolution Establishing New Water Service Rates for Fiscal Years 2024-25 through 2028-29

The City currently provides approximately 1,520,000 CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water per year to about 10,100 connections. This total reflects a decrease from the 2019 study in overall water use due to conservation efforts.

The approximate amount of revenues required from rates for the five-year period, FY 2024-25 through FY 2028-29, is approximately $127.6 million. This revenue equates to rate increases of approximately six percent each year. Another $1.1 million in revenues is projected from other sources. Expenditures during the same period are projected to be approximately $139.2 million.

The operating fund balance is projected to decline from approximately $20.1 to $8.6 million during the five-year period due to the need to fund capital projects without issuing debt. This meets the reserve requirements as established by the City Council for enterprise funds.

Through the Proposition 218 process.., just 16 written protests have been submitted to the City Clerk.


  • The City’s Lifeline Program provides those whose gross household income is considered “very low level” by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development a service charge reduction in the amount of 50 percent of their monthly bill. The General Fund subsidizes this program in the amount of $28,000 per year. For calendar year 2023, there were a total of 94 households that participated in this program.
  • The Contra Costa County Department of Community Services and Development, through the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program, provides coverage for up to $2,000 for rate payers who are past due on their bills. There were 16 households that received support through this program in calendar year 2023, which paid for 54 bills totaling about $10,000
  • There are 274 accounts with delinquent bills totaling $88,693.43, which occurred between July 16, 2021 to December 31, 2022. These delinquent bills will be paid by the State of California through its Water Arrearage Program. This program is no longer available but was offered during the pandemic to provide relief to people in need.

If You Go:

DATE: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
TIME: 7:00 PM
PLACE: Council Chamber, 525 Henrietta Street, Martinez, CA 94553; and via Zoom
Mayor Zorn via Zoom – 2565 Commerce Parkway, Barstow, CA 92311
Full Agenda – Click here

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