Home » Jan 7-13: El Cerrito Police Calls

Jan 7-13: El Cerrito Police Calls

by CC News
El Cerrito

The following is a summary of criminal activity in El Cerrito between January 7-13 according to the El Cerrito Police Department.

The following is a summary of criminal activity in El Cerrito. It does not include all crimes. It also does not include non-criminal events such as missing persons, traffic collisions, non-criminal deaths, non-criminal disputes, nor many other police activities that do not result in arrest.

The following is a summary of criminal activity in El Cerrito from January 7th  to January 13th.

January 7th 

  • Petty Theft – 1300 block of Navellier St:  At 10:00 AM, a suspect entered the side yard of a residence, stole property, and fled.
  • Burglary (Residential) / Vehicle Theft – 2600 block of Arlington Blvd: A suspect forced entry to a garage and stole a vehicle between 11:00 PM on 1/6 and 11:00 AM on 1/7.
  • Vehicle Theft – 1100 block of Ivy Ct:  The victim’s vehicle was stolen between 1/5 and 1/7.
  • Grand Theft – 670 El Cerrito Plaza (CVS):  At 1:27 PM, a victim’s electric bike was stolen from in front of the store.
  • Battery – 800 block of Pomona Ave:  At 2:27 PM, a adult son struck his mother on the leg leaving a red mark.  The suspect left the house prior to police arrival and was not located.
  • Theft from Vehicle – 5800 Block of San Diego St: At 4:02 AM, the victim noticed property had been stolen from his vehicle. Several power drills were missing from his vehicle. The victim checked his video cameras and saw three unknown suspects enter his unlocked vehicle and stole the property.
  • Auto Burglary – 500 Block of Kearney St:
    At 4:51 AM, the victim discovered an unknown suspect smashed out the front passenger window of her vehicle and removed property.

January 8th

  • Auto Burglary – 900 block of Lexington Ave:
    A suspect shattered a window of a victim’s vehicle and stole property overnight.

January 9th

  • Grand Theft – 1400 block of S. 56th St: At 12:19 PM, the victim reports that a suspect entered their vehicle and stole property from within.
  • Stolen Vehicle – 900 block of Elm St: At 4:00 PM, the victim reported his vehicle was stolen.
  • Grand Theft – 6900 block of Fairview Dr: At 3:11 PM, two suspects stole property from within the victim’s shed.
  • Battery – 11450 San Pablo Ave (Safeway): At 6:09 PM, officers responded to a battery.  Two suspects fled the store after attempting to steal items.  As the suspects ran out of the store, one suspect pushed over the victim.  The victim was transported to the hospital.  Both suspects fled the area prior to police arrival.

January 10th

  • Theft from Vehicle – 3200 block of Belmont Ave:
    At 10:35 PM, the victim reported that the suspect entered their unsecured vehicle last night and stole miscellaneous items.
  • Grand Theft – 1500 block of Arlington Blvd: At 1:30 PM, the victim reports the suspect stole property from this location.
  • Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol – Moeser Ln at Richmond St:   At 2:33 PM, a Police Officer conducted a traffic stop and arrested the driver for driving under the influence of alcohol.  The driver was booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and released on a citation to a family member.
  • Arson – 1600 Block of Kearney St: At 6:31 PM, officers responded to a fire in the carport of the apartment complex.  The unknown suspect set fire to cardboard and fled the scene.
  • Organized Retail Theft – 11048 San Pablo Ave (Harbor Freight): At 6:59 PM, officers responded to three suspects inside the store stealing property.  The suspect fled in a vehicle prior to police arrival.
  • Battery – 430 El Cerrito Plaza (Foot Locker): At 6:44 PM, officers responded to a battery.  The suspect was upset over a return and spat on an employee.  The suspect fled prior to police arrival.
  • Residential Burglary – 1100 Block of Richmond St: At 8:46 PM, officers responded to a residential alarm.  The unknown suspect(s) pried open a rear sliding glass door and stole items from the house.

January 11th

  • Residential Burglary – 600 block of Kearney St: At 8:05 AM, the victim reports that last night the suspect forced open the front door to the business and stole merchandise.
  • Criminal Threats – 1000 block of Liberty St: At 8:36 AM, an acquaintance of the victim sent threating text messages to them.
  • Auto Burglary – 600 block of Ashbury Ave: At 9:49 AM, the victim reports that last night the suspect entered their vehicle and stole miscellaneous items.
  • Criminal Threats – 11450 San Pablo Ave (Safeway): At 11:41 AM, during a verbal argument the suspect threatened to shoot the victim. The suspect fled prior to police arrival.

January 12th

  • Petty Theft – 11565 San Pablo Ave (Walgreen’s):  At 9:27 AM, officers responded to a report of a theft. The suspect fled through the rear emergency exit prior to police arrival.
  • Vehicle Burglary – San Pablo Ave at Eastshore Blvd:  At 11:15 AM, a suspect shattered a window of a victim’s vehicle while she was stopped at the traffic signal and grabbed an item from her vehicle. The suspect fled the scene.
  • Grand Theft – 2600 block of Carquinez Ave: At 1:47 PM, the victim reports that property was stolen at this location.
  • Possess Stolen Vehicle / Felony Evading / Wrong Way Driver – Arlington Blvd at Potrero Ave:  At 4:31 PM, officers responded to a Flock hit on a stolen vehicle at Arlington Blvd at Potrero. The vehicle was also listed as a suspect vehicle in an assault on an officer in Burlingame and a robbery in Richmond.  An officer located the vehicle and attempted to stop it, but the vehicle fled.  The vehicle was pursued on freeways and city streets until it crashed in Oakland and the driver was taken into custody, booked at El Cerrito Police Department, and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility. The juvenile passenger was released to a guardian at the scene.

January 13th

  • Petty Theft – 3200 block of Belmont Ave: At 9:15 AM, an officer reports the theft of a rear license plate sometime overnight.
  • Attempted Vehicle Theft – 11780 San Pablo Ave:  Sometime between 2:00 PM on 1/12 and 1:00 PM on 1/13, a suspect damaged the steering wheel column of the victim’s vehicle in an attempt to steal it.
  • Petty Theft – 3200 block of Santa Clara Ave:  At 1:23 PM, an officer reports the theft of a rear license plate sometime overnight.
  • Restraining Order Violation / Stalking – 1000 block of Liberty St:  At 5:40 PM, an officer arrested a person after they returned to the victim’s residence in violation of an Emergency Protective Order.
  • Vandalism/Disobeying an Officer- San Pablo Ave at Wall Ave: At 1:53 AM, an officer was flagged down by the victim in regards to a vandalism that just occurred. The victim pointed out the suspect to the officer. The officer attempted to contact the suspect, but he fled the area. Additional officers arrived on scene, located the suspect, and took them into custody. The suspect was transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.

Previous El Cerrito Police Calls:


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