Home » Firefighters Battle 20 Acre Vegetation Fire in Brentwood

Firefighters Battle 20 Acre Vegetation Fire in Brentwood

by CC News

Just before 2:00 pm Saturday, a large column of smoke from a vegetation fire was observed in the area of unincorporated Brentwood near the Town of Discovery Bay.

It was originally reported as a controlled burn per the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District where they advised the community not to call 9-1-1 unless they saw flames. However, by 4:30 pm, the fire apparently got out of control and jumped the road in which a full vegetation fire response was requested. Crews responded to the end of Orwood Road in Brentwood.

CONFIRE stated the agricultural burn has burned into heavier fuels, requiring response from ConFire. Crews are completing a perimeter line and will allow the fire to burn itself out while continuing to monitor conditions for the next few hours.

By 6:45 pm, crews were working to protect a large trailer full of fertilizer.

As of 6:55 pm, the fire was estimated at 20-acres, however, its contained by water on two sides and a dirt road. Crews are dealing with very thick vegetation.

No other information was available.

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1 comment

Common sense? October 22, 2023 - 5:48 am

Why are “controlled” burns permitted in October? The fuel is crisp, and we know from previous experience that October is a fire heavy month. Weird.

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